Thunder Bay – Saturday

Finnish Labour Temple Emergency Order from the City of Thunder Bay Trash in context.  Think I noticed some sliced carrots in that mess so it might have been a box containing some sort of food?  A stew? I can never remember tossing an empty can or bottle. I always returned them for the deposit because … Read more

Canada – Trudeau: Ottawa Residents Need Their “Lives Back”, Won’t Commit To Negotiate With Truckers

If it were Black Lives Matter or LGBTt2TQQIAA+ or Indigenous People then Trudeau would be out there on his knees apologizing for whatever they want him to apologize for.  But not this protest.  Why not?  Because they are not respecting his authority. They are not respecting his belief that he has the right to control … Read more

The World – England Halts ‘Vaccine’ Mandates For Health And Home Care Workers

England Halts Vaccine Mandates For Health And Care Home Workers England’s CCP virus vaccine mandates for health care and care home workers are set to be scrapped, subject to consultation and parliamentary approval, the UK’s Health Secretary Sajid Javid said on Monday. Britain’s Health Secretary Sajid Javid arrives for a cabinet meeting at Number 10 Downing Street in London … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – Last Day Of January

Patiently awaiting spring planting season Pretty desperate for anything to photograph today.  Overcast. Grey.  Everything covered in snow.  As you know, I’ll photograph anything.  In this case, an old “stubby” beer bottle. Or a lid from a Tim’s cup. Why is this photo shown twice?  The top photo is always the featured image you see … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Golden hour Looks like work is going to start Trash in context Tracks in conflict Trash in context.  These things never existed in my drinking days. There was Molson Canadian, Molson Export, Molson Golden…that was your choices as far as Molson was concerned.  Almost everyone drank Canadian or Labatt’s Blue. My Dad always bought Old … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Not a crow photo. Some colour in the morning sky.  Unfortunately, the colour is gone by time I get down to the lakeshore. Soo, I take photos on the way. The majority of a photograph is background.  Most people do not pay a lot of attention to the background. Nice background The only colour left … Read more

The World – Ivermectin Could Destroy Justification For Lockdowns And ‘Vaccine’ Mandates

Ivermectin Could Destroy Justification For Lockdowns And Vaccine Mandates Federal health agencies haven’t recognized ivermectin as an effective treatment for COVID-19 patients. According to Doctor Leland Stillman, the reason is more political than scientific, because otherwise there would be no basis for lockdowns or vaccine mandates. “If ivermectin were recognized by the public health and … Read more