Thunder Bay – Monday – Valentine’s Day

Starting to haul the debris away from the Finnish Labour Temple property. Looks Like someone was out on the ice.  Its probably safe but we are not allowed to walk out there. I believe that there should be a couple of weeks every winter where people can walk out there.  Just check the ice thickness, … Read more

Canada – Stop Calling The Truckers Racists. Many Black Canadians Support Them. Inadequate Medical System In Canada?

Some racist, white supremist, terrorist Ottawa protest supporters speak up. Also: The interview with Professor Richard Wolfe makes an important fact…that Canada has fewer ICU units and hospital beds per capita than the US. It makes me wonder just how we compare to the rest of the G7 and G20 countries. If we are short … Read more

The World – Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed

James and James with New World Next Week. Worth a watch. The article below is linked to the first story discussed in the above video: World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed It was no coincidence that 1992 was chosen as the year to start the Global Leaders of Tomorrow program. This was the same … Read more

Canada – Bill Maher Says Trudeau Sounds Like Hitler

He “Sounds Like Hitler” – Bill Maher Blasts Trudeau Over “Do We Tolerate…Unacceptable Views” Comments Born-again realist, and HBO show host, humorist Bill Maher dropped another ugly truth bomb on the cognitively dissonant left and establishment media this weekend by comparing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s recent bizarre condemnation of the Truckers in the Freedom … Read more

Canada – TD Bank To Surrender Convoy Donations To Court As Organizers Turn To Crypto

TD Bank To Surrender Convoy Donations To Court As Organizers Turn To Crypto Canada’s TD Bank says it plans to surrender approximately $1 million in un-refunded GoFundMe donations to the Freedom Convoy, as well as some $400,000 the group had accepted through direct donations. On Friday, TD told CTV news that it would apply to surrender the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Lots of this today. Almost every chimney was spewing this. It was cold. Chairs cheap.  I am sure you can get a good deal if you ask. Might be covered in ice. I’ve done a lot of this lately myself. Sidewalk still blocked by a sizable snowbank. Trying to make it look like a mountain … Read more

Ontario – Ontario Court Freezes Access To Donations For Truckers’ Protest From GiveSendGo

Ontario court freezes access to donations for truckers’ protest from GiveSendGo The Ontario government says it has successfully petitioned a court to freeze access to millions of dollars donated through online fundraising platform GiveSendGo to the convoy protesting COVID-19 restrictions in Ottawa and at several border crossings. The province obtained an order from the Superior … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Love when those private sector plowjockeys block public sidewalks while clearing snow from driveways and parking lots.  They just don’t care. Finnish Labour Temple today A new view for 100% of the people living in this city.  Nobody alive has seen this side of the building like this. History has been made. Sigh….the life of … Read more

Canada – Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ Raises $7 Million On New Crowdfunding Platform

Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ Raises $7 Million On New Crowdfunding Platform Just days after the Canadian Freedom Convoy of truckers protesting in Ottawa and Alberta saw GoFundMe freeze and return the millions raised on the platform to support them, another 7-figure batch of funds has been raised on GiveSendGo, a “Christian” crowdfunding platform. As of Wednesday morning, some US$7.2 … Read more

Canada – MP Marcus Powlowski Makes Serious Accusations About Ottawa Protestors But Is Short On Actual Facts. Local Media Eats It Up Anyway

Liberal MP Marcus Powlowski says Ottawa protesters ‘don’t inspire dialogue’ MP Marcus Powlowski returned to Parliament Hill on Monday for the first time since protesters from across the country jammed the centre of the capital with trucks to vent their anger over COVID-19 vaccine mandates. “It  feels a bit like a war zone,” the Liberal member … Read more