Thunder Bay – Monday

Morning sky photo I remember when this ship would be out breaking the ice in the harbour every year. Ice forming on a very calm harbour. Looks very peaceful. Some faint colour in the morning clouds. This was as good as it got today. MV Kaministiqua coming into port. Yes, half an onion What exactly … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

I know I have taken this photo several times before but I like the colours. Morning sky photo Drillers still drilling at Pool 6 Ice patterns with a replaced sky.  I replaced the plain white sky with some clouds.  Just to see how it would look. Goose prints? Really? Yup..still hanging around.  Christmas dinner for … Read more

Canada – More MAID In Canada News

 only in Canada eh?  Justin has turned Canada into a global laughing stock. Hurrah! and sooooo now…. Liberal government seeking delay to expanding medically assisted dying program The Liberal government announced Thursday it will seek to delay the expansion of Canada’s assisted-dying regime to include people whose sole underlying conditions are mental disorders. Justice … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Not sure what the severity requirement is to justify the placement of these signs.  Beats fixing the problem though. Fixing the problem costs waaaaaaaaay more than one of these signs. Morning sky photo Half hour later, it looked like this. You can see what’s coming Drillers continue to drill Ice is all broken up Snow … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Another overcast grey day. Morning sky photo Trying to get  a decent photo in bad light is not easy. At least not for me. Drilling continues. The clouds are all thee is in the sky worth photographing. Trash in context. I have never had a Laker beer. Never had any “Ice” beer either. Am I … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Yup, hole is still there. Come spring, things should get interesting as runoff flows into cavity under street. How much additional undermining will occur?  We will find out. Morning sky photo Drilling continues Trash in context. Tried replacing the sky. Some colour out there. Some snow flurries Trash left behind by park goers. Thee cups … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

I see the gates have finally been installed in the new fence erected around what I assume to be the future construction site of the $48 million and counting waterfront art gallery.  Meanwhile, a new $50 million police station is out of the question. Priorities. You see the sign directing pedestrians? Access to Prince Arthur’s … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Some colour in a part of the morning sky I am fascinated by a city that leaves traffic cone out for snow clearing operations to destroy. Our high salaried residents of City Hall do know that these things have some value. They cost money. Maybe they might be worth saving? That is the what the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday – First Day Of December

Lots of colour in the sky this morning. I did not get down to the waterfront early soo these photos will have to do/ What do you think? Traffic cone versus grader plowing snow. Who wins?  I expect this cone to be part of a snow bank shortly. Nice patterns on the Fire Station’s windows … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

After the glorious sunrises we have has the last two mornings, this morning’s event was pretty plain looking. Sun trying to make an appearance Sun finally clears the clouds.   Light poles going around Pool 6 site. Ice forming slowly due to the warm temps. Sadly, the sun was going to be covered by clouds … Read more