Thunder Bay – Friday

Had to cross the tracks via the pedestrian overpass as a train was blocking the Pearl Street entrance. Noticed this.  Broken…. We have an actual sunrise this morning. Clear sky and everything. Always look behind you when you are observing a sunrise. You never know what you might see. You can see where the sun … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Not the most promising morning sky for photography Looks like this is as good as it is going to get this morning.   Won’t see the sun rise. Could make a nice Inushuk out of this.  My understanding is that no plans exist for this. Too bad. Looks like its a nice day over by Mount … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

A very trusting individual Water Street fire station…a little bit of ice?  Maybe a sprinkle of sand might be in order. The sidewalk is icy as well. Some colour out there. As good as it gets today Some work continues on the cruiseship dock improvements. The telephone pole that had the problem of catching on … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Quite to morning sky today There is the sun Drillers keep drilling.  Investigating soil contamination in the Pool 6 area. What the Pool 6 site looks like today. MV Tim S. Dool Looks like the ship is tying up at Keefer Terminal for the winter. I guess the ice makes this maneuver trickier than normal. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – New Year’s Eve

Traffic cone about to disappear for the winter Another issue with the stupid skinny windrow of snow situated between the sidewalk and street is that it blocks drainage of water away from the sidewalk.  Come spring, many sidewalks become lakes because melt water has nowhere to go. In the winter, any melt water refreezes and … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Pants. Yes, pants. Nobody in the pants. Just an empty pair of pants. Can’t be much fun pushing this around in these conditions. . Trash in context.  Nice view of the lake. Morning sky photo You can see where the sewer discharges Trash in context Trash in context A good example of the poor street … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

As good as it was going to get this morning. I like the ice Left behind How do you forget these things? Skate blade protectors. Banana style Most of the apple is left behind. Obviously, this person did not pay for this apple. The price of an apple is too high to waste. and then … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – Boxing Day

Probably my last Christmas tree photograph of the year Looks like a promising sunrise today. Ice patterns are nice. You can see where the sun is going to appear There it is Noticed this. Now what could this be?  Pool 6 site. Hmmm…looks perfect for sliding down providing it gets covered with snow. You can … Read more

Canada – Canadian Government Tells Kids They’ll Be On Santa’s Naughty List Without COVID Vaccine And Masks

Canadian Government Tells Kids They’ll Be On Santa’s ‘Naughty List’ Without COVID Vaccine, Masks It’s the end of 2022 and the world is still witnessing new heights of Covid absurdity and fear-mongering authoritarianism coming from government figures. Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam has issued a new public health announcement for the Christmas holidays, … Read more

The World – Lockdowns Made Us Sicker

How Lockdowns Made Us Sicker Early during lockdowns in 2020, when the whole of the media marched in lockstep with the most appalling reach of public policy in our lifetimes, two doctors from Bakersfield, California went out on a limb and objected.  Their names: Dan Erikson and Artin Massihi from Accelerated Urgent Care. They held … Read more