Canada – What If?

    What would Justin Trudeau and his attack dog Steven Guilbeault do 25,000 years ago when the planet started to warm and the three kilometer thick sheet of ice that covered Canada began to melt?  Would they put a carbon tax on fire? Twenty five thousand years ago, the climate started to change. The … Read more

The World – ‘There’s Been No Increase’: Scientists Debunk Climate Change Claims About Hurricanes

‘There’s Been No Increase’: Scientists Debunk Climate Change Claims About Hurricanes This year’s hurricane season, which officially starts June 1, is being predicted by WeatherBELL as the “hurricane season from hell,” with weather patterns similar to those of 2005, 2017, and 2020. Along with it, says the firm’s meteorologist and chief forecaster Joe Bastardi, will … Read more

Thunder Bay – Police Seeing Success With Artificial Intelligence Video Software?

Police seeing success with artificial intelligence video software Since December, the Thunder Bay Police Service has used the video analytic software BriefCam for three sudden death investigations. THUNDER BAY — Software using artificial intelligence to analyze video footage is already proving beneficial for investigators with the Thunder Bay Police Service. Last fall, the Thunder Bay … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday – Winter Ends Tonight

Spring begins at 11:06  pm this evening. Overcast this morning.  Not going to see the sun rise. (click on above image to enlarge) Trash in context. Why put your trash in a proper container when all you have to do is roll your car window down and toss it?  No penalty.   Its the Thunder Bay … Read more

The World – Climate Change is Unfalsifiable Woo-Woo Pseudoscience

 FROM 2015: Karl Popper famously said, “A theory that explains everything explains nothing.” So what do you make of the theory that catastrophic manmade CO2-driven “climate change” can account for harsher winters and lighter winters, more snow and less snow, droughts and floods, more hurricanes and less hurricanes, more rain and less rain, more … Read more

The World – Humans May Be Fueling Global Warming By Breathing: New Study

The Climate Death Cult’s Mask is Slipping THE CORBETT REPORT MAR 10, 2024 by James Corbett March 10, 2024 Have you heard the latest nonsense from the climate cultists? No, I’m not talking about recycling human hair to change the weather. And I’m not talking about the hot new fad of defacing works of art (and the US constitution) … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Another reusable shopping bag busy saving the world. Well, its not completely covered with clouds Some colour Even a glimpse of the sun As good as it gets? Remnants from yesterday’s Snow Day Even snowshoes were out yesterday I wonder how busy it was yesterday. It was cool, temp wise. We do have some trash … Read more

The World – Nations Around The Globe Are Rapidly Retreating From The Gender Dogma Promoted By The AMA And Other Top Medical Organizations.

 Alberta’s new transgender rules: From restricted treatments to pronouns and parental rights As of right now, the age of majority in Canadian provinces is at least 18 years old.   At that point, the person is considered an adult and is free from parental control.  They are no longer the responsibility of the parents.   Once … Read more

The World – Trillions Spent On ‘Climate Change’ Based On Faulty Temperature Data, Climate Experts Say

Trillions Spent On ‘Climate Change’ Based On Faulty Temperature Data, Climate Experts Say To preserve a “livable planet,” the Earth can’t warm more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the United Nations warns. Failure to maintain that level could lead to several catastrophes, including increased droughts and weather-related disasters, more heat-related illnesses and deaths, … Read more