The World – 10 Reasons Why EVs Can Never Dominate Transportation Part 1

What he said…. Our governments are spending billions of our tax dollars to force the public to adopt a technology that is nowhere near ready.  Its more expensive, less dependable, more dangerous and does not really lower the carbon footprint of public transportation.  Its very unpopular.  You have to PAY people to buy them.  Governments … Read more

The World – US Border Crisis Being Used In US To Push Digital ID

Coming to a country near you. Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies  will be sold to the public as tools of convivence.  Ease of travel. Ease of purchasing.  Life will be great. How are digital IDs working out in China?   Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies when combined with a Social Credit system … Read more

The World – The Vaccine Passport Scam

 Sooo, the WHO’s own vaccine expert admitted that vaccine passports were always a scam.  This was know back in the summer of 2021 that vaccines did not stop virus transmission. Yet, governments went ahead with their Draconian measures anyway.  Why? Once again, money and control rears their ugly heads.  The transfer of billions of … Read more

The World – The Scottish Hate Crime Bill

 Scotland’s dystopian society is our Justin’s wet dream. The Scottish Hate Crime bill is massively unconceived frighteningly vague scarily open to abuse utterly unworkable certainly unpoliceable unthinkably Draconian  insidious  that attacks the civil liberties of anyone that doesn’t fit in the vary narrow  Overton’s window of so-called liberals would call acceptable Sounds like something … Read more

The World – NetZero And Human Rights Are Mutually Exclusive

NetZero And Human Rights Are Mutually Exclusive (Featuring: The Three Big Lies of “Climate Action”) Everybody talks a good game when asked about environmental concerns. But they underestimate what real “climate action” will cost them, personally, and they’re prone to balking when they figure it out. In 2018, The Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago conducted a survey of … Read more

Ontario – A Procedure In Which A Vaginal Cavity Is Surgically Created While Keeping The Penis Intact….Yes, This Is A Thing And Someone Wants Ontario Taxpayers to Pay For It

 There is a hypothesis that the continued weakening of the planet’s magnetic field  is allowing more radiation and other crap emitted by the sun to get down to us and is screwing up our brains.  Making people act crazy.  I am starting to believe that is true.  The world has gone off the rails.  … Read more

The World – Climate The Movie

Watch it now before it gets taken down.    This is what I have been saying all along.  Climate change fear mongering has nothing to do with saving the planet or the life on it, its all about money.  Making huge amounts of money. Money taken out of your pockets and put into the pockets … Read more

The World – Government ‘Climate Change’ Lies

 The key thing here is that all of the people that have been brainwashed by the ‘climate  change’ fear porn have not be told the truth as to what all of these mandated government restrictions on their lives will have on their future standard of living. Everyone is being told that if we slap … Read more