The World – Tucker Talks Taboos After MSM Ignores Instagram Kiddie-Porn Bombshell

Tucker Talks Taboos After MSM Ignores Instagram Kiddie-Porn Bombshell After his first episode topped 100 million views, Tucker Carlson is back with Episode 2, exploring how we, as a population, are controlled (or coerced) directly (through laws) or indirectly (through taboos). Carlson observes the changing societal taboos in America, suggesting that they are being dictated from above … Read more

The World – Things Are Falling Apart Quickly

What he said. You may not agree with Tucker Carlson on anything. You may not like the man. Still, I believe what he says here is very true. Our governments want us to be poor. To suffer. Power shortages, food shortages, high prices, inflation, eating bugs, fuel shortages, natural gas prices going through the roof … Read more

The World – The Central Bank CBCD Game Plan In Under 3 Minutes

How Technocommunism Will Institute The CBDC: The Central Bank Game Plan In Under 3 Minutes The entire global financial system is now essentially a technocommunist black ops money laundering crime scene. Central banks, their wall street coconspirators and the major corporations are all colluding in ushering in their hyper-centralized CBDC dystopia. This central bank “currency” … Read more

The World – Corruption Concerns Involving Ukraine

Corruption concerns involving Ukraine are revived as the war with Russia drags on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s dismissal of senior officials is casting an inconvenient light on an issue that the Biden administration has largely ignored since the outbreak of war with Russia: Ukraine’s history of rampant corruption and shaky governance. As it presses ahead … Read more

The World – Oops! Nice Tattoo There Ukrainian Person

Nazis in Ukraine? Reuters?  Say it ain’t so. Of course there are Nazis in Ukraine.  And we are giving them weapons.  Lots of weapons.  Hurrah! Its not Russian disinformation. Its a fact. Trudeau knows it. Freeland knows it.  NATO knows it.  The EU knows it.  Its not a secret. previous related posts here Glorifying Nazis … Read more

Canada – Canada Trained Ukrainian Troops Linked To The Far Right, Says Nazi Hunter

Canada failed when it trained Ukrainian troops linked to the far right, says Nazi hunter The Canadian Forces says it had no obligation to be entirely certain of the backgrounds of those soldiers it trained in Ukraine. David Pugliese  •  Ottawa Citizen Publishing date: Apr 13, 2022  •  1 day ago  •  3 minute read A top Nazi hunter and Holocaust scholar … Read more

The World – Is Russia The Real Target Of Sanctions?

Is Russia The Real Target Of Western Sanctions? Authored by Kit Knightly via, Soaring oil prices, energy and food crises on the horizon…is it possible the REAL target of this economic war is us? The first tweet I saw when I checked my timeline this morning was from foreign policy analyst Clint Ehlirch, pointing … Read more