Canada – Canada Loves Nazis – Chrystia Freeland’s Family Ties

Hmmm…makes you wonder who she really represents.  Note that she also on the board of trustees of the World Economic Forum. It does sound like she would have known this Hunka guy. At the very least, she would have been familiar with his background. Why were these Waffen SS veterans and possible war criminals,  allowed … Read more

Canada – Canada’s Parliamentary Love Story For Waffen SS Nazis Just Won’t Die

Yup…Trudeau is a coward, blaming everyone else for creating this massive international political shitstorm when in truth, its his government’s failure to perform due diligence vetting Hunka. This is odd because Justin had no problem labeling the truckers involved in the Ottawa protest s “Nazis”.   They did not get a standing ovation in the House … Read more

Canada – Canadian Government Loves Nazis – Hates Russians Even When The Russians Are Our Allies

When virtue signaling goes bad.  Really bad.  Losing your job level of bad. Canada’s House Speaker Apologizes For Honoring Actual Nazi; Still Radio Silence From ADL Update: The Canadian speaker of the House of Commons has issued an apology after he asked the entire Parliament to give a standing ovation last week to a 98 year old … Read more

The World – Make Nazism Great Again?

Escobar: Make Nazism Great Again? Authored by Pepe Escobar, The supreme target is regime change in Russia, Ukraine is just a pawn in the game – or worse, mere cannon fodder… All eyes are on Mariupol. As of Wednesday night, over 70% of residential areas were under control of Donetsk and Russian forces, while Russian … Read more

Canada – Azov Battalion (Nazis) Exists In The Ukrainian Military Right Now And Ottawa Knows About Them.

Canadian officials who met with Ukrainian unit linked to neo-Nazis feared exposure by news media: documents A year before the meeting, Canada’s Joint Task Force Ukraine produced a briefing on the Azov Battalion, acknowledging its links to Nazi ideology. Author of the article: David Pugliese  •  Ottawa Citizen Publishing date: Nov 08, 2021  •  November 9, 2021  •  4 minute read … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Trash in context More trash…I take these photos on my way to the park Rail car graffiti Another overcast morning.  I guess we had are weekly nice day yesterday. The mistake on the lake today Another reusable shopping bag busy saving the climate. MV Federal Kivalina Trash in context Batman was here MV Isadora Male … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Trash in context after a rain event. Trash in context People still drink this? Morning sky Some daisy photo Looking for colour Where are all of the cruise ships? Can’t walk past the roses without taking a photo Boaters drink?  Really? Very cute Relaxing in the morning sun A bald eagle sighting.  The gulls were … Read more