The World – Power Company Seizes Control Of Thermostats In Colorado During Heatwave

Power Company Seizes Control Of Thermostats In Colorado During Heatwave Around 22,000 households in Colorado lost the ability to control their thermostats after the power company seized control of them during a heatwave. After temperatures soared past 90 degrees, residents were left confused when they tried to adjust their air conditioning and found locked controls … Read more

The World – No Farmers, No Food, No Life

No Farmers, No Food, No Life The world is now facing a man-made food catastrophe. It is reaching crisis levels… Current policies in many parts of the world place a priority on climate change for realizing a green new deal. Meanwhile, such policies will contribute to children dying from severe malnutrition due to broken food systems, … Read more

The World – Climate Change For Social Control And Money. Lots And Lots Of Dollars Being Transferred From Your Pockets Into The Pockets of The Wealthy

 Talks about the Ice Age.  You know, the time that a large area of the planet was covered by a many kilometers deep ice sheet?   You know, the ice sheet that no one can explain how it came about?   You know, the many kilometers deep ice sheet that retreated  (and is still retreating) and … Read more

The World – Transitioning Fleet Trucks To Electric Raises Costs By Up To 114 Percent, Report Warns

Transitioning Fleet Trucks To Electric Raises Costs By Up To 114 Percent, Report Warns Florida-based Ryder analyzed the potential cost of transportation if internal combustion engine trucks are converted to EVs. There is a 5 percent cost increase for light-duty EVs and a 94–114 percent increase for heavy-duty trucks, the May 8 report states. For a fleet … Read more

The World – NetZero And Human Rights Are Mutually Exclusive

NetZero And Human Rights Are Mutually Exclusive (Featuring: The Three Big Lies of “Climate Action”) Everybody talks a good game when asked about environmental concerns. But they underestimate what real “climate action” will cost them, personally, and they’re prone to balking when they figure it out. In 2018, The Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago conducted a survey of … Read more

The World – Trillions Spent On ‘Climate Change’ Based On Faulty Temperature Data, Climate Experts Say

Trillions Spent On ‘Climate Change’ Based On Faulty Temperature Data, Climate Experts Say To preserve a “livable planet,” the Earth can’t warm more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the United Nations warns. Failure to maintain that level could lead to several catastrophes, including increased droughts and weather-related disasters, more heat-related illnesses and deaths, … Read more

Ontario – Youth Continue Legal Fight Against PC Government For Failure To Reduce Carbon Emissions & Mitigate Harm

Youth continue legal fight against PC government for failure to reduce carbon emissions & mitigate harm Seven youths from across Ontario came together this week to appeal an earlier ruling by the province’s Superior Court that dismissed a legal claim they filed against the PC government for its alleged failure to protect them against the … Read more

The World – Climate Scientist Says It’s ‘Unreasonable’ To Call Climate Change An Existential Threat

Climate Scientist Says It’s ‘Unreasonable’ To Call Climate Change An Existential Threat An MIT scientist has said that although the global temperature rise owing to a greenhouse effect is real, the increase is small and does not pose any existential threat. A heat advisory sign is shown along U.S. highway 190 during a heat wave … Read more

Canada – Can Canada Mine Enough Minerals To Feed The EV Revolution?

Can Canada mine enough minerals to feed the EV revolution? Canada has much catching up to do on the mining front to meet the federal government’s electric vehicle (EV) targets. There needs to be “massive and rapid expansion” of mining and metal refining in short order to meet Ottawa’s mandated demand that all new passenger … Read more