The World – World’s Electric Grids Incapable Of Supporting Renewable Energy Goals: Agency

World’s Electric Grids Incapable Of Supporting Renewable Energy Goals: Agency Electricity grid capacity available in the world isn’t keeping pace with the rapid growth of “clean energy” technologies, possibly putting governments’ climate goals at risk, according to a recent report by the International Energy Agency (IEA). In order to achieve climate goals set by global … Read more

The World – Scotland Cut Down 2 Million Trees To Make Way For “Green Initiatives”

Scottish Govt Axes 16 Million Trees To Clear Way For ‘Greener’ Solutions Stupidity is increasingly state-sanctioned… Since 2000, the Scottish government has felled around 1,700 trees on a daily basis, all to make way for “green” initiatives. Leave it to the government and their leftist abettors to harp on the “destruction of the environment” then chop … Read more

The World – The Green Agenda, Climate Change and COVID

 Hmmm….the whole There is a movie called Snow Piercer. In 2031, 17 years after an attempt to stop global warming via stratospheric aerosol injection catastrophically backfires and creates a new ice age, the remnants of humanity have taken to a self-sustaining circumnavigational train, the Snowpiercer, run by reclusive transportation magnate Wilford. The passengers on the train are segregated, with the elite in … Read more

The World – A Big Wreck Is About To Happen At The Intersection Of Artificial Intelligence Boulevard And Net Zero Avenue

A Big Wreck Is About To Happen At The Intersection Of Artificial Intelligence Boulevard And Net Zero Avenue The Big Green Grift, the Energiewende and all the other green energy scams are about to be slowly shuttled aside because we need massive amounts of new energy these schemes cannot deliver. Moreover, we can no longer afford … Read more

Thunder Bay – What Does “Affordable” Mean? How Much Rent?

City council approves affordable rental housing funding program Thunder Bay city council has approved a plan to build more affordable rental housing units in the city. A report on the affordable rental housing funding program was presented to city council on Monday. The report details a plan to distribute the $20.7 million of the federal Housing … Read more

The World -Massive Hail Damage To Texas Solar Farm

Green Energy Beaten Black And Blue: Video Shows Massive Hail Damage To Texas Solar Farm THURSDAY, MAR 28, 2024 – 12:30 PM In the latest of countless cautionary tales about green energy, a large-scale Texas solar farm has been devastated by a hail storm that took much of the facility off-line for an unknown duration.  … Read more

The World – Carnival Cruise Ship Emits More Toxic Fumes Than All Of Europe’s Cars, Study Finds

Carnival Cruise Ship Emits More Toxic Fumes Than All Of Europe’s Cars, Study Finds A new study commissioned by the European Federation for Transport and Environment revealed that toxic emissions of sulfur oxides from 63 cruise ships belonging to Carnival Corporation were 43% higher than all the combustion engine vehicles in Europe. This stunning statistic … Read more