Thunder Bay – Friday

Not expecting much this morning.  Clouds over the lake.

There is blue sky over the city but the sun rises over the Sibley Peninsula.

and over there is a wall of clouds

Today’s sunrise

A bit of colour over there

The mistake-on-the-lake today

The sun making an appearance

Nice reflections

The whole physical distancing thing was not based on science.  The 2 metres/6 feet number was picked arbitrarily. Someone picked the number out of their ass.

Lots of these around.

Not a bad looking da. Too bad this cloud formation was not out there at sunrise.

Only one event requiring the big stage left this year:  The Wake The Giant festival.

Trash in context

Water bottle photo

We have a park hoarder here.

Water bottle photo.  This is the same tree in the previous ‘park hoarder’ photo.   Might be voodoo or something like that.

The park does have trash cans but you would never know it looking around.

Someone may have taken a bite of the apple. Probably a woman.  Biting apples is in their DNA. Goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden.