The World – Two Metre (Six Feet) Social Distancing Rule Was Completely Made Up

OK…soo they made this up…sooo masks did nothing…..lockdowns produced more harm to the public, and the economy than good.   The “jab” did little as far as protecting the public from the virus.   Long term effects on the world’s population the “jab”?  Who knows? We were lied to by everyone that we trusted. Governments, heath professionals, … Read more

The World – “It Just Sort Of Appeared” – Fauci Comes Clean Over ‘Science-less’ Six-Foot-Distancing Rule

“It Just Sort Of Appeared” – Fauci Comes Clean Over ‘Science-less’ Six-Foot-Distancing Rule You still bump into the stickers from time to time: “Six Feet of Distance.” It’s weird and anachronistic at this point. No one pays any attention anymore. Still it would be nice to know where this came from. Oddly, we don’t really know. Anthony … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Not expecting much this morning.  Clouds over the lake. There is blue sky over the city but the sun rises over the Sibley Peninsula. and over there is a wall of clouds Today’s sunrise A bit of colour over there The mistake-on-the-lake today The sun making an appearance Nice reflections The whole physical distancing thing … Read more