Ontario – Overdose Awareness Day Held At Marina Park – Harumph

TBTnews coverage of the Harm Reduction Industrial Complex’s Awareness Day held at Waverley Park.  Lives were at stake because of the Ontario Governments closure of many Harm Reduction Centres across Ontario.

I believe that the people, the Industrial Complex that has flourished around the addiction crisis, whose very income is depended on perpetual government funding of these centres were really worried about the following…………..

Makes you wonder just what lives they want to save?

Its no different for the Homeless Problem.  Homelessness has become an industry.  There are many jobs now dependent on the homeless existing. All government funded.

Both the Addiction and Housing crises have no solution.  There will always be homeless and there will always be addicts.  Funding the Industrial Complexes that have grown up around these issues is a forever thing.  Can we afford forever funding of anything?

I would be more impressed by the closing of the Harm Reductions Centres if the people doing the protesting were not benefiting financially by the Harm Reduction Centres being open.