Thunder Bay – Mayor Feels Human Rights Approach To Homelessness Isn’t Working

Mayor feels human rights approach to homelessness isn’t working After retracting comments he made earlier this week, Mayor Ken Boshcoff said on Thursday that he personally feels the city’s human rights approach to homelessness isn’t working. Boshcoff said he understands why council took that approach and he “wishes it was working.” “I unfortunately have to … Read more

Thunder Bay – Homeless Industrial Complex

Population of homeless encampments continues to swell Organizations that provide outreach services to people without a permanent home have never seen a situation such as the one they’re witnessing this summer in Thunder Bay. At this time last year, Elevate NWO had counted 55 individuals living in tents in various encampments around the city. In … Read more

The World – Why The term Homeless Is Misleading

Below is a transcript of an interview of Michael Shellenberger. He talks about the homelessness epidemic in the American major cities.  This epidemic is also of great interest to Canadians especially here in Thunder Bay.  What I found interesting in the discussion is something that I have noticed myself.  That many of the so-called ‘homeless’ … Read more

Ontario – Overdose Awareness Day Held At Marina Park – Harumph

 TBTnews coverage of the Harm Reduction Industrial Complex’s Awareness Day held at Waverley Park.  Lives were at stake because of the Ontario Governments closure of many Harm Reduction Centres across Ontario. I believe that the people, the Industrial Complex that has flourished around the addiction crisis, whose very income is depended on perpetual government … Read more

Thunder Bay – Unhoused Selling Tents Given To Them

 Holly Gauvin is extremely generous with other people’s money.  Once again, as I have said many, many times, if you get something for free, it has no value.  That goes for lodging, food, clothing or money.  If you get money given to you, unearned, then it has no value.  You will always get more.  … Read more

Ontario – Vigil Held In Kenora For Man Fatally Shot by OPP

 Another example of how the Indigenous chiefs and community only care when members of their community are in prison,  are killed or go missing.  Up until then, nobody seems to care. Bruce Wallace Frogg was a member of Wawakapewin, an Oji-Cree First Nation and remote fly-in community about 350 kilometres north of Sioux Lookout.  … Read more