Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Back up in Hillcrest Park Nice Stopped to take a look at me. Tree Swallow One of my crow friends MV Federal Asahi at Thunder Bay Terminals and MV Federal Bering at Keefer Termoanl MV Coe Luisa at Keefer Terminal Boy do these grow fast. Old street car tracks at the intersection of Cumberland and … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Another morning at Hillcrest Park. A change is as good as a rest. Isn’t that what we are told? Nice colour. The problem is that its waaaay over there. Nothing there. What there is is petty nice. Ooooooo There is the sun. Now in Marina Park.  Nice sky. Cruise ship dock.  Nobody living in this … Read more

Thunder Bay – What Does “Affordable” Mean? How Much Rent?

City council approves affordable rental housing funding program Thunder Bay city council has approved a plan to build more affordable rental housing units in the city. A report on the affordable rental housing funding program was presented to city council on Monday. The report details a plan to distribute the $20.7 million of the federal Housing … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Walked up to Hillcrest Park this morning instead of Marina Park. The sun is rising way off to the left.  Not anywhere near the giant. Over by the Waverly Towers   Here comes the sun. Afterwards, I did walk down to Marina Park Tree Swallow The mistake on the lake this morning. Looks like a … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Clear sky this morning. The rain has stopped for at least one day. The Great Blue Heron was busy fishing. No clouds.  Not going to be much of a sunrise. MV Algoma Niagara Here comes the sun Golden hour On June 1,  paid parking arrives in Marina Park.  All the parking lots north of the … Read more

Thunder Bay – $31.9 Million Infrastructure Funding Defict

 This with almost $20 million in annual free money payments from TbayTel. Its obvious that our high salaried residents of City Hall are more worried about getting reelected than ensuring that the city’s infrastructure is properly maintained or replaced in a timely matter. People want something for nothing all the time.  They want a … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Overcast with scattered light rain. Nice temp though. MV Federal Asahi Nice reflections. No sun. Could be worse. All the colour in the sky was just along the horizon.  And it was not all that impressive. Still, better than nothing and the mirror like water surface was great. Imagine what kind of a sunrise we … Read more

The World – There Will Be No Food Left

Money and control. Its ALL about money and control.  What better way for corporations to make money than by owning all of the ‘necessities of life’ production systems?  What better way for governments to control their populations than by deciding who gets what and how much? The goal is for all of the 99% of … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Amazing!  This is exactly how I sleep!  On one leg with my head tucked under may arm and one eye open. I thought that maybe the sun would appear this morning but that did not happen.  I should have stayed in bed. On the plus side, the water surface was like glass. Made for nice … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Was surprised this morning by a Great Blue Heron. We both shared this area. It was busy fishing while I was taking photos.  Mutual respect.  It was very close. The closest I have been to one of these birds. Going to see the sun this morning. Lots of colour. A gull was splashing around in … Read more