Thunder Bay – Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

This is a section of  Court Street that was reconstructed last year.  All the road work was done BEFORE Synergy North came along to replace the poles.  To do this, Synergy North had to remove some of the paving stones that were carefully laid down by contractors only a short time before.  Then Synergy North had to dig holes to install the new poles

Now the area looks like crap.

The excavation backfill was not compacted properly.  You end up with this. Looks like crap.

Then you get this. Looks like crap.





Why was the pole replacement work not done BEFORE the road reconstruction work?   Why is this not mandatory on all road work?

Its stupid to do work only to have that work ripped up a few weeks later.   Our high salaried residents of City Hall need to have a long talk with executives at  Synergy North.   Synergy North, the utility which we taxpayers own.  Get this construction problem fixed OR replace those Synergy North executives with people who will fix the problem.  This bureaucratic issue is hurting this city.

There is no way that the Infrastructure deficit can be tackled if one hand keeps destroying what the other hand builds.