Thunder Bay – Sunday

Another nice sunny morning

A statue of an angel holding a lightbulb

Now this is getting interesting.  My attention is now focused on this mess.  How long before this gets emptied?  Its behind the fence sooo access is available.  Technically, its on the section on the public sidewalk that is located behind the security fence protecting the Finnish Labour Temple construction site.  Is this now the developer’s responsibility? Will the City of Thunder Bay do its duty and tell the developer to empty the trash can?  Will the trash can be moved to a location outside of the fence?   Stay tuned.

Yellow Warbler.  For some reason, they were more open to photography this morning.  Most of the time, they never stopped long enough to allow me to even get my camera up to my face.

Morning sky photo

I think its a young American Goldfinch

Pigeon union meeting.

Water bottle photo.  Lots of water still left in the bottle sooo I believe the bottle was given out for free.  Nobody pays for something and then throw it away after only using less than half of it.   If its free, it has no value.  If you have to work for it, earn the cash to pay for it,  you value it more. Another example of too much carrot, not enough stick. In t Thunder Bay, there is no stick. Its all carrot. (previous related posts here)

Someone left a note for the next person using this bench.

Boaters never return empties.  Water bottle photo as well.

A very optimistic rose bush.

A yellowbagger was here.

Court Street construction site so far.

Trash in context

Lots of colour here

Must be cheap.  I don’t see any other reason why someone would buy this stuff.