Thunder Bay – Friday – Fountain Pen Day

Not sure what work is being done here.  Water Street between Cumberland and Bay Streets.  I think it is something to do with the light pole that has been missing since…forever.   There are a lot of dark stretches of sidewalk on the section of Water Street between Bay and Pearl Streets.   Hopefully our  city’s crack … Read more

Thunder Bay – Homeless Industrial Complex

Population of homeless encampments continues to swell Organizations that provide outreach services to people without a permanent home have never seen a situation such as the one they’re witnessing this summer in Thunder Bay. At this time last year, Elevate NWO had counted 55 individuals living in tents in various encampments around the city. In … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday –

Update on yesterday’s missing “Keep right around median” sign.   Action has taken place. A small traffic cone has been placed at the site of the sign. – Problem solved.  Why have a sign when placement of a damaged traffic cone will do.   Much cheaper.   Will the sign be replaced next week?  Next spring?  Summer?  We … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – Count Your Buttons Day

Just out for the exercise today. I an not expecting anything as far as a sunrise is concerned.  Its overcast with showers expected. Just a slit in the clouds Not really promising. Well, this was unexpected It didn’t last very long though. This is interesting The site of the future waterfront “net carbon neutral” art … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday – Evaluate Your Life Day

Overcast this morning.  There is a solid layer of cloud covering the entire sky.  No spectacular sunrise this morning.  Probably won’t wee the sun at all. As good as it got. Artsy There was a surprise this morning. A Snow Goose travelling with a flock of Canada Geese.   How desperate am I for a … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Another nice sunny morning A statue of an angel holding a lightbulb Now this is getting interesting.  My attention is now focused on this mess.  How long before this gets emptied?  Its behind the fence sooo access is available.  Technically, its on the section on the public sidewalk that is located behind the security fence … Read more

The World – The Welfare Crisis

 This video underlines the message of  one of my earlier posts. There is a massive industry developing around unemployment, welfare, homelessness and drug addiction. Are we only encouraging people to remain unemployed and on welfare? How much is it costing?  Are takers outnumbering givers?   Are the social welfare programs of the federal, provincial and … Read more

The World – Why Progressives Ruin Cities

Hmmm….the carrot and the stick approach.   I am sure Thunder Bay is ALLLLL carrot. No stick. Only supplying carrots will solve nothing.  In fact, it will only attract more homeless individuals from other towns and regional areas.  Thunder Bay needs some stick.