Thunder Bay – Sunday

Seen this cart around for years. Ice patterns Saturday night in Marina Park souvenir Another Mask photo Mask photo Mask photo Mask photo Salvation Army food truck was here.  The Army’s clients are too lazy to put the trash in trash cans.  The Army does not clean up the mess left by its clients.

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Friday night souvenir? Snow. Its all around the city.  Just not here yet. Ice patterns American Coot Mask photo Now that the streets in the north core are open to two way traffic and all of the patios have been removed, when are the buses going to start returning to their old routes? Nice place. … Read more

The World – Johns Hopkins Myocarditis Risk

Nothing makes sense. There is no science backing up much of what we are being told by all of these so-called health ‘experts’.  Worth a watch. Taiwan Halts 2nd Dose Of Pfizer Jabs For 12-17 Year Olds Taiwan has become the latest country to halt or restrict the use of a Covid-19 vaccine due to concerns … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Mask photo Storm washed in some grass Fence down Mount Baldy ski area has some snow on the runs City crew erected structure to store winter sand in Marina Park.  Could be a nice shelter for anyone looking for one. Still not easily accessible….wheelchair or no wheelchair Hooded Merganser Golf ball? Hopefully the owner of … Read more

The World – Correcting COVID Death Counts

When Will The CDC Correct Its COVID Death-Counts, As Italy Just Did? Summit News caught a fascinating story out of Italy: the Italian Higher Institute of Health decided it had miscounted COVID deaths.  Instead of looking at people who died with COVID, as it once did, it looked only at people who died from COVID — leading to a 97% decrease … Read more

The World – Antibody Cocktail Cuts COVID Risk By 81.6%

Regeneron Shares Surge As Antibody Cocktail Cuts COVID Risk By 81.6% For the third time in about a month, another major pharmaceutical competitor has released a new COVID cure – in this case, it was Regeneron’s long-awaited COVID antibody cocktail – which purportedly cut infection risk by 81.6% (not quite as much as Pfizer’s pill, but more … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Nice colour in this morning’s sunrise Someone’s collecting driftwood. Are they planning on building another shelter like the one I photographed on October 31? Photographed this one on October 31. Tugs MV Point Valour and MV Glenada Hooded Merganser Some person or some persons quenched some thirst last night Mask photo. I wonder how many … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Not much colour to start but things picked up Pumpkin Parade? Mask photo Oooooooooooooooooooooooo MV Wigeon Seriously? Yes…this is ice. Mask photo Hooded Merganser Mask photo Trash in context

The World – Why The term Homeless Is Misleading

Below is a transcript of an interview of Michael Shellenberger. He talks about the homelessness epidemic in the American major cities.  This epidemic is also of great interest to Canadians especially here in Thunder Bay.  What I found interesting in the discussion is something that I have noticed myself.  That many of the so-called ‘homeless’ … Read more