The World – Ohio’s Apocalyptic Chemical Disaster Rages On

Not hearing much about this in the mainstream media. Could be the worst environmental disaster in US history. “Get The Hell Out Of There” – Ohio’s Apocalyptic Chemical Disaster Rages On Update (1300ET): During a press conference, the NTSB referenced a video from Salem, Ohio, about 20 miles from East Palestine which shows sparks and flames … Read more

The World – Australian Bank Links Customer Transactions To Carbon Footprint

CLIMATE CHANGE Australian Bank Begins Linking Customer Transactions to Carbon Footprint In another foretaste of potential future ‘carbon allowance’ limits, a major bank in Australia has introduced a new feature that links purchases to a customer’s carbon footprint and warns them when they are going over the average. Australia’s Commonwealth Bank (CBA) has partnered with … Read more

The World – Power Company Seizes Control Of Thermostats In Colorado During Heatwave

Power Company Seizes Control Of Thermostats In Colorado During Heatwave Around 22,000 households in Colorado lost the ability to control their thermostats after the power company seized control of them during a heatwave. After temperatures soared past 90 degrees, residents were left confused when they tried to adjust their air conditioning and found locked controls … Read more

The World – No Farmers, No Food, No Life

No Farmers, No Food, No Life The world is now facing a man-made food catastrophe. It is reaching crisis levels… Current policies in many parts of the world place a priority on climate change for realizing a green new deal. Meanwhile, such policies will contribute to children dying from severe malnutrition due to broken food systems, … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Big Dig today Still working on the gay pedestrian crossing.  At this rate, it may be finished just as the first snow fall hits the asphalt.  I don’t know why they did not just use paint instead of this mastic stuff. Sure the paint has to be redone every year but its simple.  This stuff … Read more

The World – Carbon Footprint Is A Lie

 We are all suckers.  As with the plastic recycling scheme, the public is the one that ends up paying to clean-up the environment all the while the actual polluters make a fortune. Time to start building guillotines.  There are some heads that need to be liberated from their bodies. Carbon credits.  Who would have … Read more

Thunder Bay – TBAG Receives $19.6 Million From Federal Government

Thunder Bay Art Gallery receives $19.6 million from federal government The federal government has announced $19.6 million in funding towards the construction of a new waterfront art gallery, a project that’s been in the works since 2009. Minister of Indigenous Services Patty Hajdu announced the funds, which come through Infrastructure Canada’s GICB program, at an … Read more