The World – Correcting COVID Death Counts

When Will The CDC Correct Its COVID Death-Counts, As Italy Just Did? Summit News caught a fascinating story out of Italy: the Italian Higher Institute of Health decided it had miscounted COVID deaths.  Instead of looking at people who died with COVID, as it once did, it looked only at people who died from COVID — leading to a 97% decrease … Read more

The World – Antibody Cocktail Cuts COVID Risk By 81.6%

Regeneron Shares Surge As Antibody Cocktail Cuts COVID Risk By 81.6% For the third time in about a month, another major pharmaceutical competitor has released a new COVID cure – in this case, it was Regeneron’s long-awaited COVID antibody cocktail – which purportedly cut infection risk by 81.6% (not quite as much as Pfizer’s pill, but more … Read more

The World – Latest Lancet Study Exposes Limits Of ‘Vaccines’ At Preventing COVID Infection

Latest Lancet Study Exposes Limits Of Vaccines At Preventing COVID Infection The Lancet has just released another study comparing the efficacy of COVID vaccines to the efficacy of protection provided by previous COVID infections. Their conclusion: while vaccines lower the risk of infections with the delta variant within households, those who are fully vaccinated are … Read more

Thunder Bay – Six New COVID-19 Cases

Health unit reporting six new COVID-19 cases Following several days of no new cases, the Thunder Bay District Health Unit is reporting six new cases on Friday. According to the health unit, five of the new cases are from First Nation communities and one in a district community. The exposure category of the new include … Read more

The World – Increases In COVID-19 Are Unrelated To Levels Of ‘Vaccination’ Across 68 Counties and 2947 In The United States

At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with … Read more

The World – Leaked Emails Reveal Pfizer Execs Sought To Conceal Use Of Aborted Fetal Cells In COVID-19 Program

Leaked Emails Reveal Pfizer Execs Sought To Conceal Use Of Aborted Fetal Cells In Covid-19 Vaccine Program A Pfizer employee turned whistleblower has come forward with leaked internal emails which reveal corporate executives wanted staff to conceal the company’s use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the Covid-19 vaccine. Melissa Strickler, a manufacturing quality … Read more

The World – US State With Highest Vaxx Rate Sees Record Surge In COVID Casxes

‘Not Supposed To Happen’: US State With Highest Vaxx Rate Sees Record Surge In COVID Cases Authored by Ivan Pentchoukov via The Epoch Times, Vermont, the state with the highest vaccination rate in the United States, is experiencing a CCP virus surge at levels not seen since the pandemic’s peak last winter. The number of cases in Vermont is … Read more