Thunder Bay – Friday

  Mask photo.  This is what the sidewalk plow dragged up.  Pretty sure that when the manufacturer of this product labeled it as ‘disposable’, that company assumed the masks would be disposed of in a responsible manner.  That company did not allow for the ‘Thunder Bay factor’.

The World – Remember When People Had to Isolate For Two Weeks When Receiving A Positive PCR Test? Bet They Feel Stupid Now.

In Bombshell Admission, CDC Drops Post-Isolation PCR Test Because They Can ‘Remain Positive Up To 12 Weeks’ Just when you thought things couldn’t get more absurd, the Biden administration is now dropping PCR tests from its Covid end-of-isolation guidelines because they can stay positive for up to 12 weeks. “So we would have people in isolation for … Read more

The World – Omicron Just Killed The Case For Complusory COVID Vaccinations

The Case For Compulsory Vaccinations Is Dead… Omicron Just Killed It Yesterday, Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, held a press conference where she talked at length about her “concerns” over the EU’s low vaccination rate, and how best to “fix” it. When asked about making vaccines mandatory, she said: It is understandable … Read more

The World – Fauci As Darth Vader Of The COVID Wars

Escobar: Fauci As Darth Vader Of The COVID Wars Robert F Kennedy Jr’s The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health should be front-page news in all the news media in the US. Instead, it has been met with the proverbial thundering silence. Critics seeking to have Kennedy … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Mask photo. This one would make a nice tree ornament….if someone was decorating their tree with masks that is. Caught red handed? MV Captain Henry Jackman Algoma Central Corporation Takes Delivery of the Captain Henry Jackman Discarded food item.  Hard as a rock.

The World – Austria Moves One Step Closer To Full Tyranny.

Austria Re-Imposes Full Lockdown, Vow “Penalties” For Those Who Resist Austria will become the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full COVID-19 lockdown starting Monday, November 22, it said on Friday as neighboring Germany warned it may follow suit, sending shivers through financial markets worried about the economic fallout of yet another round … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Morning sun reflecting off of window to light this area I guess people were not sure, you know, with the plywood covering the window and all. Hooded Merganser. Why are you not headed south? You never know what you will find in one of the portable toilets in Marina Park.  No dead bodies yet but … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Nice colour in this morning’s sunrise Someone’s collecting driftwood. Are they planning on building another shelter like the one I photographed on October 31? Photographed this one on October 31. Tugs MV Point Valour and MV Glenada Hooded Merganser Some person or some persons quenched some thirst last night Mask photo. I wonder how many … Read more