Ontario – Youth Continue Legal Fight Against PC Government For Failure To Reduce Carbon Emissions & Mitigate Harm

Youth continue legal fight against PC government for failure to reduce carbon emissions & mitigate harm Seven youths from across Ontario came together this week to appeal an earlier ruling by the province’s Superior Court that dismissed a legal claim they filed against the PC government for its alleged failure to protect them against the … Read more

The World – Climate Scientist Says It’s ‘Unreasonable’ To Call Climate Change An Existential Threat

Climate Scientist Says It’s ‘Unreasonable’ To Call Climate Change An Existential Threat An MIT scientist has said that although the global temperature rise owing to a greenhouse effect is real, the increase is small and does not pose any existential threat. A heat advisory sign is shown along U.S. highway 190 during a heat wave … Read more

The World – Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration – Maybe The Climate Science Is Not Settled After All

Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration International scientists have jointly signed a declaration dismissing the existence of a climate crisis and insisting that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth, contrary to the popular alarmist narrative. Children take part in a climate change protest in Montreal on Sept. 26, 2020. (Graham Hughes/The Canadian Press) … Read more

The World – The Rise and Rhetoric Of The Climate Chicken Littles

The Rise and Rhetoric Of The Climate Chicken Littles For those who may not recall Chicken Little (AKA Henny Penny), the character was derived in the 1880s and was meant to be an allegorical character. Chicken Little was never intended to be the whimsical Disney fantasy character that it became. Chicken Little was infamous for over-exaggerating … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

All quiet at this time of the day. Why are the street lights still not operational at the Pearl and Water Street intersection?  Dangerous for pedestrians, as if anyone cares. What the morning sky looked like There were some clouds that looked promising.  Might be something good today. Hopefully, when the sun pops up over … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Nice clouds this morning, Water surface is fairly still Nice That cloud on the right looks strange. Then it became this and a few minutes later, it was all gone.  Fog rolled in. Noticed these for the first time. Someone planted some sunflower seeds. The mistake-on-the-lake today The outrigger returns after a morning paddle. Nice … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

How hard could have been to install the exit light in the centre of the doorway?  Its a small thing but its the kind of respect for detail that separates an OK contractor from a good contractor. A city slowly wakes up. The only colour in the morning sky Silver Appleyards? Nice reflections The buffet … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Clouds but also some clear patches Might be OK if things don’t change too much Got this…the fact that the water surface was calm helped a lot As good as it got this morning. Not a total waste of time Still a few of these around enjoying the recent warm spell I waited and waited … Read more

The World – Germany Suspends Schengen, Immigration Repercussion Across The Entire EU

Germany Suspends Schengen, Immigration Repercussion Across The Entire EU For the first time in EU history, Germany is at the forefront of immigration suspension. Other EU countries will follow. Image notes, I created the image using Grok, then modified the image in Photoshop to add German text, hopefully contextually accurate. Schengen Zone The Schengen Area … Read more