The World – “Doomed To Fail” – Top Immunologist Blast Global COVID Response Driven By “False Propaganda”

“Doomed To Fail” – Top Immunologist Blasts Global COVID Response Driven By “False Propaganda” Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and one of the leading Israeli immunologists, has written an open letter sharply criticizing the Israeli – and indeed global – management of the coronavirus pandemic. … Read more

The World – Almost Half Of New York COVID-19 Hospitalizations Not Due To COVID-19

Almost Half Of New York COVID-19 Hospitalizations Not Due To COVID-19 Nearly half of the patients currently in New York hospitals with COVID-19 are not in the hospital because of COVID-19, the state said Friday. Forty-three percent of the 11,548 hospitalized patients did not have COVID-19 listed as one of the reasons for admission, Gov. Kathy Hochul’s office said. … Read more

The World – UK Gov’t Admits Evidence For Face Masks Stopping COVID Spread In Schools “Not Conclusive”

UK Gov’t Admits Evidence For Face Masks Stopping COVID Spread In Schools “Not Conclusive” The latest example of why people shouldn’t blindly follow ‘the science…as decreed by bureaucrats’, arrived Friday, when Bloomberg reported that a study undertaken by the British government to justify forcing children to wear masks in schools has forced them to admit that the … Read more

The World – COVID Antiviral Pills Cause Life-Threatening Reactions When Used With Many Common Meds: FDA

COVID Antiviral Pills Cause Life-Threatening Reactions When Used With Many Common Meds: FDA Pfizer’s antiviral oral drug developed to treat COVID-19 can cause severe or life-threatening effects when used with common medications including some anti-coagulants, some anti-depressants, and some cholesterol-lowering statins, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (pdf). FDA does not recommend Paxlovid for those … Read more

The World – COVID Case Numbers Do Not Matter.

COVID cases to not matter.  Its all about hospitalizations and deaths.  People who are in hospital BECAUSE of COVID not WITH COVID.  People who died BECAUSE of COVID, not WITH COVID. Why does the mainstream media keep focusing on the number of positive tests when that number is a tiny fraction of the actual infected … Read more

Canada – Several Provinces Considering Allowing COVID Positive Health Workers To Stay On Job

Several provinces considering allowing COVID positive health workers to stay on job Even as some provinces have reported record-high daily COVID-19 case counts, health experts are warning the real infection rate is likely much higher, pointing out that data has been clouded by holiday delays and with hospitals and testing centres reaching their limits. After … Read more

Canada – Health Workers Allowed To Stay On Job Even If They Test Positive For COVID-19. Why? Because There Are Not Enough Of Them.

Quebec health unions decry plan to allow COVID-positive health-care workers to stay on the job I’m hearing that many hospital workers recently suspended for refusing to get vaccinated are being asked to return to work because of a staff shortage. Now, because they are needed, all of a sudden hospitals are agreeing to testing instead … Read more

Thunder Bay – COVID Case Numbers Are Useless. They Mean Nothing Without Context.

Nine new COVID cases, 10 resolved in Thunder Bay district Nine new COVID-19 cases, including eight in Thunder Bay or the immediate surrounding area, were reported Wednesday by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit. At the same time, TBDHU reported 10 previously-diagnosed cases had been resolved since Tuesday. This brought the active case count to … Read more