Thunder Bay – Thursday

This morning looks like yesterday morning More lighthouse photos A little more colour around the giant This is new Hmmmm…Nice..whatever it is Got some pinks Sun is about to make its appearance Then I noticed this guy.  It was sauntering past on the ice when I gave it a howl.  It stopped. Looked at me. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Your morning sky today Interesting wavy clouds Here comes the sun   and so the day begins Ice patterns   Trash in context Starting to see a lot of tampon paraphernalia around the north core…especially in Marina Park Just could not finish it all. Oh and discarded masks….lots of them. Daffodils look like they might … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Another clear sky this morning.  Its going to be a nice day. Lots of orange today You can see where the sun is going to make its appearance Not sure why this ship is at the old ore dock. MV Algoma Harvester The sun And so the day begins. Ice patterns Coyote out for a … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Sunrises have not been very spectacular lately. Not sure how much longer I will be photographing the event.  Right now, there isn’t much else to photograph.  Plus, the sun is rising earlier every day. There are clouds but the fire in the sky look did not appear. About as good as it got and so … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Pothole wat6ch today. Last years Court Street road reconstruction.  Looks like it has been noticed by our high salaried residents of City Hall Some clouds on the horizon producing some colour Lots of colour around the lighthouse this morning The giant is hardly noticeable this morning. The thing is that the morning sky colours change … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Pothole watch on last year road contract. Cloudless sky this morning.  Sigh..still some colour but nothing spectacular. Here comes the sun and so the day begins CCGS Samuel Risley is in town   Looks like the Tim S. Dool has its engines running.  Will it still be there tomorrow or will it be at an … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Sigh….more snow…. Yes. Balloons. Nice colour. Yes. Insoles. Nice colour. Snow sculptures today. Pagoda Beaver House Coin Carousel Lighthouse Boreal Forest Amethyst Crystals and today’s AI art pieces …..The stench hit me first; a mixture of something rotten and something dead. The tunnel seemed abandoned. The cement walls were damp, and moss grew at regular … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday – First Full Day Of Spring

Pleasant morning.  Promising sunrise, Is this the section of Court Street that was built last summer or was it built a few years ago?   Either way, this product is definitely substandard.   Roads should last at LEAST 15 years before maintenance is required. Nice I like this The sun is up. So the day begins. A … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Got some colour in the sky this morning As good as it got. The sun is back there somewhere. I have to save this photo and compare it with the final product.  I suspect the building will be smaller than what this artists concept shows.   A lot smaller. The snow drifts were very deep.   … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Yes, I was crazy enough to walk down to the waterfront just in case the sun made a showing.  Blowing snow but no falling snow.  I was up so I thought what the hell. Well, it does not look very pronising As good as it got   Brightening up. Clouds but no sun. Lots of … Read more