The World -The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed

 Above are a couple of videos about the upcoming global treaty giving the WHO control over public health for virtually every country in the world.  Yes, an unelected body of elites funded by various sources including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (second largest donor) . Big Pharma?   Below is an article that provides … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – Earth Day

Third snowfall in a week…Lots of photos taken looking down today as looking up has limited photo options. Plastic bottle photo Potholes are almost always round.  Very round.  I am sure there is a scientific explanation as to how that happens. Round pothole filled with tire-treaded ice. Nothing going on out there.     Ground … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

The day after yet another snow fall.  Lots of tracks in the snow. Busch!  I wonder if the boycott that is taking place in the US has managed to cross the border?  Not seeing a lot of Bud Light cans around. Looks like marble…..sort of…if you squint There is some blue sky It would be … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Sun is rising earlier and earlier every day.   Discarded medical masks can be found everywhere. Ice patterns An American Robin. Not sure if this one spent the winter here.  There used to be a group that did.   I didn’t see them this past winter but I was coming down to the park pretty early. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Sigh….Its Déjà vu all over again.  Its very frustrating. Some colour on a bleak semi-blizzardy Monday morning. Wind blowing snow forms patterns     Not a place you want to be this morning Ice and blowing snow. You have to be careful walking as there is ice and the strong wind can throw you off … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Crappy weather day today.  Not much to photograph.  This is something to do with telephones. Does not look good. Pretty deadly potholes here.  Last year road contract. Did not get delivered. Fences make good trash traps. Harbour ice looks like its getting close to disappearing. MV Isadors coming in to Richardson’s elevator More correction fluid … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

As good as its going to be this morning Pussy Willows are out. Third morning in a row that I had to face this.  The truck showed up to service this pit toilet as I left.  Not a job I would want. Hopefully, the person that has to clean this mess is making more than … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Some morning cloud action going on today Had I been down here at least a half an hour before sunrise, those clouds would have been purples, reds and oranges. But then I would have had to get up earlier and walk down here in the dark.  Those days are over until the fall when the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Some nice clouds this morning Not unusual in Thunder Bay. Tree Swallows are back down at the Pool 6 pond area Dramatic sky In Thunder Bay, the knuckledragger population deposit their feces on the floor of the toilets in Marina Park.  Why?  Because.  Tourists are going to love these “people”.   Imagine having to use this.  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

First photo of the Finnish Labour Temple project this year.  Work should start up soon. Looking for colour wherever I can find it. Looking for colour… A clear sky this morning   Waterfront art gallery site is still silent.  City bureaucracy holding up another construction project….and this is a project that the high salaried residents … Read more