The World – CDC Study Shows Natural Immunity Provides The Same Level Of Protection Against COVID As “Vaccines’

According to this CDC study, natural immunity provides the same level of protection as ‘vaccination’.   For some reason, the study is not being mentioned in the mainstream media. Sooo, this is science that our health experts are not following. The pandemic is as good as over.  The high infection Omicron variant will provide herd immunity.  … Read more

The World – As Leaders Panic, COVID Narrative Falls Apart

Russel does make a good point. Has the pandemic been used by governments to boost their popularity?  Has the pandemic been used to distract voters from government misdeeds? With a provincial election coming this year and Doug Ford’s popularity being on the low side, was lifting pandemic restrictions a method of boosting his chances of … Read more

The World – England Ends All COVID Passports, Masks Mandates, Work Restrictions

England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions Restrictions including COVID-19 passes, mask mandates, and work-from-home requirements will be removed in England, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday. Johnson also suggested that self-isolation rules may also be thrown out at the end of March as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic becomes endemic. Effective … Read more

The World – Canadian COVID-19 Vaccine Study Seized On By Anti-Vaxxers (Pro-Choice Advocates). The Study Results Must Be Changed To Fit The Existing ‘Vaccine’ Narrative

 (Pro Canadian COVID-19 vaccine study seized on by anti-vaxxers — highlighting dangers of early research in pandemic A Canadian study that vastly underestimated the protection COVID-19 vaccines provide against the Omicron variant is being revised — but not before it spread widely on social media by anti-vaxxers, academics and even the creators of the Russian … Read more

The World – COVID’s Ability-To-Infect Plunges 90% After 20 Minutes In The Air; New Study Shows

COVID’s Ability-To-Infect Plunges 90% After 20 Minutes In The Air; New Study Shows One recent study found that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID and its many variants, actually isn’t as infectious as “the science” – and, more importantly, the government authorities like Dr. Anthony Fauci – would like the public to believe. Offering yet … Read more