Canada – Trudeau Apologizes To Zelensky & Canadian Public For NaziGate, Quietly Tells MPs Don’t Speak About It

Trudeau Apologizes To Zelensky & Canadian Public For NaziGate, Quietly Tells MPs Don’t Speak About It Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday issued formal apology to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky over what’s coming to be known as the ‘NaziGate’ scandal. He indicated that this apology was sent through diplomatic channels. Trudeau confirmed this in a press conference regarding the House … Read more

Canada – Canada’s Speaker Resigns After Honoring Nazi Now-Wanted For Extradition By Polish Minister

Canada’s Speaker Resigns After Honoring Nazi Now-Wanted For Extradition By Polish Minister Update (1420ET): The Speaker of Canada’s House of Commons, Anthony Rota, has resigned after leading Parliament in praising a Ukrainian man who moved to Canada after fighting for a Nazi unit. “I must step down as your Speaker,” Rota said, adding “I reiterate my profound regret.“ … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – German Butterbrot Day

Early morning makes for great black and white.  High contrast. Well there will be a sunrise with colour.  Still a lot of clouds though. Nice This is pretty good. Here comes the sun and so the day begins   A nice mix of colour More than I used to throw away.  I would eat my … Read more

Canada – Canadian Government Loves Nazis – Hates Russians Even When The Russians Are Our Allies

When virtue signaling goes bad.  Really bad.  Losing your job level of bad. Canada’s House Speaker Apologizes For Honoring Actual Nazi; Still Radio Silence From ADL Update: The Canadian speaker of the House of Commons has issued an apology after he asked the entire Parliament to give a standing ovation last week to a 98 year old … Read more

Thunder Bay – World Bollywood Day

Once governments bring in their Central Bank Digital Currencies and dump cash, yard sales will need to use mobile point of sale devices AND collect sales tax. Nice sunrise this morning Lots of colour   Here comes the sun Big orange ball   Tractor tire prints on concrete We need a bylaw requiring the removal … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday – Last Day Of Summer

Fall starts at 2:50 am EDT tomorrow morning Foggy morning.  Not going to be much of a sunrise this morning. Still, you have to go and make sure.  It could be the best sunrise ever. Its like being in a 40s  film noir movie. Not a huge crowd in Marina Park this morning. Your morning … Read more

The World – More On The Missing F-35

 F35 pilot who ejected over South Carolina is heard pleading for an ambulance in bizarre 911 call from resident’s house and admitting ‘I’m not sure where my plane is’ The pilot of a $100million F35 fighter jet who ejected over South Carolina over the weekend can be heard pleading for an ambulance and admitting he … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday – World Mini Golf Day

Today is Telegraph Pole Appreciation Day in the UK. Yes, its a thing. Looks like someone or someones had a good time last night. This is the train that was blocking the Pear Street entrance to Marina Park.  What that means is I must walk down to the pedestrian overpass. Only one person sleeping in … Read more