The World – Individual Carbon Footprint Tracker

Davos Oligarch Pitches “Individual Carbon Footprint” Tracker Know what’s even more fun than eating bugs and owning nothing? Tracking your personal carbon footprint! That’s right – according to J. Michael Evans, president of the Alibaba Group, a new social compliance platform tested in Chinese cities might be the wave of the future. “We’re developing, through technology, an ability for … Read more

The World – World Health Organization Will Be In Charge Of Your Health. The Beginning Of The End.

Yup. Unelected WHO bureaucrats working for the US, Bill Gates and the UK will decide what gets injected into your body.  Expect global health passports which will control every little bit of freedom you might still be allowed to have. A global social credit system ‘encouraging’ people to follow orders.  Bank accounts?  You want access? … Read more

The World – Interview With George Gammon About Where Everything You see Going On Is Headed

Great discussion on how everything going on in the world right now is tied together. Club of Rome, World Economic Forum, Bilderberg, Climate Change, population control, global currency, mass censorship, the war in Ukraine, food supply, global resources… there is much happening and it all affects you.  Nobody seems to care. We have become totally … Read more

The World – Surprising Explanation Of Russia’s Invasion From A Former Top-Level CIA Official

 Surprising Explanation Of Russia’s Invasion From A Former Top-Level CIA Official A surprising op-ed in MSNBC arguing that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was likely “preventable” if the US and NATO had merely tried to take a path of muscular diplomacy and potential compromise appears to have slipped passed the mainstream media censors and gate-keepers. Since the start … Read more

The World – “Programmable Digital Currency”: The Next Stage Of The New Normal?

“Programmable Digital Currency”: The next stage of the new normal? The war on cash’s endgame is here: money replaced by vouchers subject to complete state control. Building on the bitcoin model, central banks are planning to produce their own “digital currencies”. Removing any and all remaining privacy, granting total control over every transaction, even limiting … Read more

The World – New World Next Week This Week

World Economic Forum Leadership website here Board of Trustees Mukesh D. Ambani Chairman and Managing Director, Reliance Industries Marc Benioff Chair and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Salesforce Peter Brabeck-Letmathe Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees, World Economic Forum Thomas Buberl Chief Executive Officer, AXA Mark Carney United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, United … Read more

The World – Anti-Mandate Protests Spread Around The World. Canadian Veterans Take Over War Memorial Security From Fence

Sooo, what are the white supremist, misogynistic, terrorist, Nazi flag waving, Russian agent, fringe minority, war memorial desiccating, Trumpist cultists doing today? Veterans take over War Memorial security….as it should be. Macron along with Trudeau are World Economic Forum grads.  I wonder if the head of the World Economic Forum, Hans Schwab is calling the … Read more