The World – “It Just Sort Of Appeared” – Fauci Comes Clean Over ‘Science-less’ Six-Foot-Distancing Rule

“It Just Sort Of Appeared” – Fauci Comes Clean Over ‘Science-less’ Six-Foot-Distancing Rule You still bump into the stickers from time to time: “Six Feet of Distance.” It’s weird and anachronistic at this point. No one pays any attention anymore. Still it would be nice to know where this came from. Oddly, we don’t really know. Anthony … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday – Universal Letter Writing Week

Water bottle photo. Full of ice today. A feral shopping cart.  People take carts from store but never return them.   No penalty for doing this sooo why change behaviour?   Another example of just how our civilization is falling apart.  Having no penalties or repercussions only encourages people. The same can be said for continually offering … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – Make Your Dream Come True Day

Sign says “open” but its around 7:30 am on a Saturday morning. I’m going to give this a “false”.  I doubt if its open. Once again, no glorious sunrise this morning. When you are desperate, you photograph anything. Smell the glove. Yes, its as cold as this looks. Water bottle photo.  Nobody seems to care … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – Typing Day

Another feral mitten.  I see lost mittens every day. Had to wait for a train this morning.  It was a very long one.  They always are when weather conditions are awful.  Cold this morning. City lights bouncing off of the clouds Not going to be an amazing sunrise this morning. There was some colour out … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – World Day of War Orphans

Well, all of you that wanted it snow, I hope you are happy.  You got your bloody snow.  Hurray! Yippee! Now you can see how important that sign warning traffic  of a median is.  Without the sign, you cannot tell the median is there. Drifting snow. Ah yes. The Water Street fire station.  I love … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday – World Hypnotism Day

Well, we are going to see the sunrise this morning. Unfortunately, the clouds are not that great.   Little to no wind. That is good because the temp was very chilly. MV Algoma Strongfield at the old CN ore dock.  My guess is that its there for the winter. The sun is nearing the horizon. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday – Earth At Perihelion Day

Sign has bee re-erected.  I have to give credit where credit is due.  The work was done relatively quickly. Almost like our high salaried residents of City Hall have finally understood that traffic signage is extremely important.  There is a reason why these signs exist.  The same goes for street lights.  There is a reason … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – New Years Day – 2024

  The makings of a good sunrise is here Nice As the sun got closer to the horizon, the colours changed and here comes the sun No Druids around. Maybe I should open a chapter here.   Could be a good tax avoidance scheme.   The human sacrifice thing might be a tough sell. and so the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday –

Update on yesterday’s missing “Keep right around median” sign.   Action has taken place. A small traffic cone has been placed at the site of the sign. – Problem solved.  Why have a sign when placement of a damaged traffic cone will do.   Much cheaper.   Will the sign be replaced next week?  Next spring?  Summer?  We … Read more