Thunder Bay – Thursday

Partially overcast. Icy sidewalks Ice patterns Trash in context Well there is some colour in a part of the sky.  Better than nothing. Lights are on.  Why is it not operating the way its supposed to.  It cost around half a million dollars.  I would hope that since our high salaried residents of City Hall … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday – World Read Aloud Day

Overcast mornbing I like the patterns created when water freezes. You can only see them when its dark and the light shines on the ice at just the right angle. Heavy fog on the waterfront. Yup…fog The view out in the harbour this morning.   Art…. Can’t even see the full length of Pier 1. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday – Time to Talk Day

Fog…a light coat of ice covers some areas such as sidewalks.  Care is required while walking. No sunrise photos today. The view out there As the fog started to thin out, we got this.  If there was no fog, we might have had a nice sunrise. The clouds were the kind that you want. There … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday – World Cancer Day

People still wearing these Another clear sky this morning Low cloud over the horizon Not sure what that is behind the lighthouse. Sun makes its appearance Yesterday’s fog left vegetation covered with ice or is it snow? It does look nice especially when the sunlight hits it. Trash in context Trash in context. Party last … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday – Groundhog Day

The joys of being a pedestrian in spring…even if its not spring.  The sidewalks start to collect melt water during the day which becomes ice overnight.  The water is trapped on the sidewalk as it no place to go. Between two walls of snow. Horrah! I I would have thought that after a hundred and … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – Seeing-Eye Guide Dog Anniversary

Nice colour in the morning sky today Its been a while since I have seen anything like this. Not going to see the sun this morning Work continues on the “mistake on the lake”. the $57 million and counting “net carbon neutral” , centrally located waterfront art gallery. The sun tried to make an appearance … Read more

Canada – Ongoing Suicide Crisis That Has Gripped Youth In First Nations

“We have work to do”: Fiddler Officials from the federal government and Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) gathered in Ottawa on Jan. 24 to discuss the ongoing suicide crisis that has gripped youth in First Nations across the province and the country. Chiefs from NAN-represented First Nations were all in attendance. Four federal ministers were also … Read more