The World – Austria Moves One Step Closer To Full Tyranny.

Austria Re-Imposes Full Lockdown, Vow “Penalties” For Those Who Resist Austria will become the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full COVID-19 lockdown starting Monday, November 22, it said on Friday as neighboring Germany warned it may follow suit, sending shivers through financial markets worried about the economic fallout of yet another round … Read more

The World – Johns Hopkins Myocarditis Risk

Nothing makes sense. There is no science backing up much of what we are being told by all of these so-called health ‘experts’.  Worth a watch. Taiwan Halts 2nd Dose Of Pfizer Jabs For 12-17 Year Olds Taiwan has become the latest country to halt or restrict the use of a Covid-19 vaccine due to concerns … Read more

The World – Pfizermectin?

Dr. James Campbell discusses the similarities between the new Pfizer pill and Ivermectin. Dr. James Campbell discusses the factcheck of his video showing the similarities between the new Pfizer pill and Ivermectin done by’s  SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project. Note: SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project is funded by the Robert Wood Foundation. Robert Wood Johnson is one of … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Morning sun reflecting off of window to light this area I guess people were not sure, you know, with the plywood covering the window and all. Hooded Merganser. Why are you not headed south? You never know what you will find in one of the portable toilets in Marina Park.  No dead bodies yet but … Read more

The World – ‘Vaccine’ Passports And Mandates Do Nothing To Keep The ‘Vaccinated’ From Getting Infected By The SARS-2 Virus

If you think that ‘vaccine’ passports and ‘vaccine’ mandates will protect you from getting infected with the SARS-2 virus, you are mistaken.  Everyone in that restaurant, bar, gym or airplane can be infectious and spread the virus.  Everyone in your workplace can spread the virus.  Hospital workers and Long Term Care workers can spread the … Read more

The World – Why The term Homeless Is Misleading

Below is a transcript of an interview of Michael Shellenberger. He talks about the homelessness epidemic in the American major cities.  This epidemic is also of great interest to Canadians especially here in Thunder Bay.  What I found interesting in the discussion is something that I have noticed myself.  That many of the so-called ‘homeless’ … Read more

The World – FDA Committee Members Reviewing Pfizer ‘Vaccine’ For Childfren Have Worked For Pfizer. Have Big Pfizer Connections

FDA Committee Members Reviewing Pfizer Vaccine For Children Have Worked For Pfizer, Have Big Pfizer Connections The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee is holding a virtual meeting Tuesday October 26 to discuss authorizing a Pfizer-BioNTech Coronavirus vaccine for children between the ages of 5 to 11 years old. This committee has a lot of … Read more

The World – Sweden Suspends Moderna Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition

Sweden Suspends Moderna Shot Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition h health officials have now decided that a moratorium on giving the Moderna vaccine to anyone under 31 will be extended indefinitely, the U.K. Daily Mail reported. The pause on the Moderna shots had been scheduled to end on Dec. 1. Finland, Iceland and Denmark … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Frost on the mask Frost on the bottle Reflection in the rear window of a Jeep Looks familiar Once the sun rises above the giant, the reds and oranges in the sky are gone. Better hurry Time to start thinking about heading south. Make sure you have your COVID passport You know a person is … Read more