Canada – You Will NEVER Be Fully-Vaxxed

Canada’s Health Minister: “You Will Never Be Fully-Vaxxed” This is the new ‘right way’ to think about vaccinations… Despite increasingly compelling data and peer reviewed studies coming out detailing the harms and side-effects of vaccinations, Canada’s Liberal-Socialist coalition government is doubling down on vaccinations, and appear ready move the goalposts on what constitutes vaccine compliance. As reported via Blacklocks Reporter (@mindingottawa on Twitter), Canadians … Read more

The World – The Great Reset And Neo-Feudalism

KIM DOTCOM BREAKS DOWN THE TRUE SCALE OF US GOVERNMENT DEBT New Zealand tech CEO, Kim Dotcom did the math on the United States’ sovereign debt and he tweeted a thread about it, saying it may the most important thread that he may ever make. Kim explains that US spending and debt have spiraled out of control … Read more

Shitlibs Are Foam-Brained Human Livestock: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix Caitlin Johnstone Apr 22 The hyperbolic language westerners use to describe fairly normal modern warfare in Ukraine suggests they’ve invested exactly zero thought in what their own governments have been doing in the middle east for the last two decades. It’s like, … Read more

The World – US Federal Judge Declares Biden Admin Mask-Mandate For Planes, Trains Unkawful

Federal Judge Declares Biden Admin Mask-Mandate For Planes, Trains Unlawful Is this the beginning of the end of biomedical tyranny in the US? As Forbes reports, a federal judge in Florida threw out the federal government’s mask mandate for airports, airplanes and other public transportation Monday, ruling the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exceeded its authority … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Two years of COVID government tyranny and now a winter that never ends….a person can only take sooo much. More snow. Some melts, then more falls.  Two steps forward, one step back. Maybe one day, someone can sit in this chair and enjoy a nice warm, sunny day. Beyond this are only snow sculpture photos. … Read more

Canada – Trudeau Is A Global Hypocritical Joke

Justin Trudeau is a laughing stock around the world.  When it comes to promoting democracy, he should keep his mouth shut. He lost all credibility on that topic when he crushed the peaceful protestors in Ottawa using draconian methods only dreamed of by the world’s tyrants. The only reason that Justin is invited to take … Read more

The World – “Programmable Digital Currency”: The Next Stage Of The New Normal?

“Programmable Digital Currency”: The next stage of the new normal? The war on cash’s endgame is here: money replaced by vouchers subject to complete state control. Building on the bitcoin model, central banks are planning to produce their own “digital currencies”. Removing any and all remaining privacy, granting total control over every transaction, even limiting … Read more

Canada – Canada Moves To Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent

Canada Moves To Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent Canada has moved to make the asset freezing part of its Emergencies Act, which was used to target supporters of the Freedom Convoy protests, a permanent fixture. Wow, who saw that one coming? In order to stop what the Trudeau regime referred to as “illegal … Read more

Canada – Riot Police Face Off With Yellow Vests In Paris

Compare this with the protest in Ottawa.  Trudeau would not last a day in charge of France or any other country for that matter. Imagine the French if Macron tried to freeze their bank accounts because they were protesting against his government’s policies? Trudeau is a cowardly lightweight when t comes to world leadership.  I … Read more