Canada – Trudeau’s Orwellian Attack On Canadian Truckers Declared Unconstitutional

  Trudeau’s Orwellian Attack On Canadian Truckers Declared Unconstitutional Canada’s Federal Court ruled on Tuesday that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act in 2022 to punish protesting truckers was both unreasonable and unconstitutional. “I have concluded that the decision to issue the Proclamation does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness — justification, transparency and intelligibility … Read more

Canada – You Will NEVER Be Fully-Vaxxed

Canada’s Health Minister: “You Will Never Be Fully-Vaxxed” This is the new ‘right way’ to think about vaccinations… Despite increasingly compelling data and peer reviewed studies coming out detailing the harms and side-effects of vaccinations, Canada’s Liberal-Socialist coalition government is doubling down on vaccinations, and appear ready move the goalposts on what constitutes vaccine compliance. As reported via Blacklocks Reporter (@mindingottawa on Twitter), Canadians … Read more

Canada – Liberal MP Ya’ara Saks Stated that “Honk Honk” Is A Euphemism For “Heil Hitler”. Really! She Said This! On Television!

Canadian Liberal MP Ya’ara Saks stated Monday that the onomatopoeia “honk honk” was a coded message meaning “heil Hitler.” Seriously?  People voted for her? York Centre MP?  Those people voted for her?  Are they complete idiots? Remember when the Liberal Party actually was “liberal”? Now they are the party of divisiveness.  The party of hate. … Read more

Canada – Freedom Convoy Organizers Say They Have Notified Police After Being Told “Nefarious Elements” Plan To Discredit Protest

Freedom Convoy Organizers Say They Notified Police After Being Told “Nefarious Elements” Plan To Discredit Protest Organizers of the Freedom Convoy in the Canadian capital say they have notified police after being told that “nefarious elements” are planning to plant weapons at the Ottawa COVID-19 mandate demonstrations as a “pretext to forcibly remove peaceful protestors.” In a video posted … Read more

Canada – Update To Trudeau Invoking Emergencies Act

Update (1715ET): As expected, Canadian PM Trudeau invoked sweeping emergency police powers Monday in his latest attempt to stamp out dissent from citizens protesting vaccine mandates and other COVID restrictions. “This is not a peaceful protest,” the Canadian leader told reporters in Ottawa alongside top cabinet officials. “The federal government is stepping in because local police authorities have had … Read more

Canada – Stop Calling The Truckers Racists. Many Black Canadians Support Them. Inadequate Medical System In Canada?

Some racist, white supremist, terrorist Ottawa protest supporters speak up. Also: The interview with Professor Richard Wolfe makes an important fact…that Canada has fewer ICU units and hospital beds per capita than the US. It makes me wonder just how we compare to the rest of the G7 and G20 countries. If we are short … Read more

Canada – TD Bank To Surrender Convoy Donations To Court As Organizers Turn To Crypto

TD Bank To Surrender Convoy Donations To Court As Organizers Turn To Crypto Canada’s TD Bank says it plans to surrender approximately $1 million in un-refunded GoFundMe donations to the Freedom Convoy, as well as some $400,000 the group had accepted through direct donations. On Friday, TD told CTV news that it would apply to surrender the … Read more