Thunder Bay – Monday – National Deborah Day

Windy, cold morning.  A lot of cloud. Not looking good for any kind of sunrise.   But I walked all the way down there sooo I will take a few photos. That’s it?         As good as it got. For those who have been wondering what toilet paper looks like after it gets … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Trash in context I liked the lines and patterns I guess there is no rush to replace the glass with glass.  How long before the inevitable fire? Morning sky photo A couple pairs of pants. and some shirts.   Probably got them for free. Commercial fishing operation. Not sure what’s up with the Jolly Rodger flag … Read more

The World – Secret Letter to CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data to Support Mask Narrative

Secret Letter to CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data to Support Mask Narrative Megan Redshaw, J.D Documents recently obtained from the National Institutes of Health suggest public health officials used inaccurate information and misrepresented medical research to advance their policy objective that masks prevent severe COVID-19 and virus transmission—despite opposing scientific evidence received … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Seems that masks are still a thing. Patriotic trash Water bottle photo Rail cars Looks like today is the day to start pounding steel at the site of the “mistake on the lake” construction site. I have no idea what moth this caterpillar will become.  I spent a half an hour looking. I finally gave … Read more

The World – Two Metre (Six Feet) Social Distancing Rule Was Completely Made Up

OK…soo they made this up…sooo masks did nothing…..lockdowns produced more harm to the public, and the economy than good.   The “jab” did little as far as protecting the public from the virus.   Long term effects on the world’s population the “jab”?  Who knows? We were lied to by everyone that we trusted. Governments, heath professionals, … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Robin’s cups are very colourful.  Hard not to photograph them. I just wanted to show you just how hardcore POSs the clientele of the Salvation Army food truck are. A healthy littering Thunder Bay POS. Still standing. Camper is still there.  Nice spot but a lot of traffic nearby. A Savannah Sparrow? NV Iryda MV … Read more

The World -The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed

 Above are a couple of videos about the upcoming global treaty giving the WHO control over public health for virtually every country in the world.  Yes, an unelected body of elites funded by various sources including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (second largest donor) . Big Pharma?   Below is an article that provides … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Snow in the forecast. Some colour in the sky. but only left of the giant I guess this Pool 6 “sculpture” will be removed this once construction restarts on the site.  Too bad. I will miss it. Strong winds this morning MV Onego Merchant at Keefer Terminal Some people have been having fires in the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Sun is rising earlier and earlier every day.   Discarded medical masks can be found everywhere. Ice patterns An American Robin. Not sure if this one spent the winter here.  There used to be a group that did.   I didn’t see them this past winter but I was coming down to the park pretty early. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Your morning sky today Interesting wavy clouds Here comes the sun   and so the day begins Ice patterns   Trash in context Starting to see a lot of tampon paraphernalia around the north core…especially in Marina Park Just could not finish it all. Oh and discarded masks….lots of them. Daffodils look like they might … Read more