Canada – Mobile Hospitals That Cost Ottawa $300 Million Sit In Storage While Omicron Strains Canada’s Health System

Mobile hospitals that cost Ottawa $300-million sit in storage while Omicron strains Canada’s health system Ottawa allocated $300-million at the beginning of the pandemic for the construction of 15 mobile hospitals, but only four 100-bed units have been completed and they are sitting in storage despite the strain on hospitals caused by Omicron across the … Read more

The World – Rogan Interview With Dr. Peter A. McCullough.

If you have a couple of hours, Joe’s talk with Dr. Peter A McCullough is worth a listen.  McCullough talks about the lack of early treatment options for COVID-19.  People were left to wait at home and see if their infection became serious enough to require hospitalization.  Hydroxychloroquine showed lots of promise in early studies.  … Read more

Canada – Omicron Spreads More Easily Amongst The “Vaccinated” Than Delta

Canadians are ‘angry’ with the unvaccinated: Trudeau At this point in the pandemic, with widespread new restrictions and postponed surgeries for tens of thousands, Canadians are “angry” with those in this country who still have not rolled up their sleeves to get vaccinated against COVID-19, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Wednesday. “People are seeing cancer … Read more

The World – Dr. Robert Malone Gives Blistering Interview To Joe Rogan

COVID, Ivermectin, And ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’: Dr. Robert Malone Gives Blistering Interview To Joe Rogan mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone gave a fascinating interview to Joe Rogan which aired on New Year’s Eve. If you’ve got three hours to spare, we recommend you watch the entire thing here. Malone, an expert in mRNA vaccine technologies … Read more

Ontario – ‘Circuit Breaker’ Measures Needed To Prevent Omicon From Overwhelming ICU’s Science Table Says

‘Circuit breaker’ measures needed to prevent Omicron from overwhelming ICUs, science table says Ontario’s COVID-19 science table on Thursday called for immediate and stringent public health measures to combat a growing surge of the Omicron variant that could see ICU admissions reach “unsustainable levels” early next year. The group’s latest modelling suggests that without “circuit breaker” … Read more

The World – For Those Who Still Care

Another Study Finds That Natural Immunity Protects Better Against Infection Than Pfizer Vaccine For some reason, natural immunity has been given the cold shoulder by the government and its health ‘experts’ all along.  Why?  No profit in natural immunity. Hospitalizations, Mortality Cut In Half After Brazilian City Offered Ivermectin To Everyone Pre-Vaccine The same goes … Read more

The World – COVID-19 A Pandemic Of Fear “Manufactured” By Authorities: Yale Epidemiologist

COVID-19 A Pandemic Of Fear “Manufactured” By Authorities: Yale Epidemiologist The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of fear, manufactured by individuals who were in the nominal positions of authority as the virus began to spread across the globe last year, according to Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch. In an appearance on Epoch TV’s “American Thought Leaders” program, Risch, an … Read more

The World – Fauci As Darth Vader Of The COVID Wars

Escobar: Fauci As Darth Vader Of The COVID Wars Robert F Kennedy Jr’s The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health should be front-page news in all the news media in the US. Instead, it has been met with the proverbial thundering silence. Critics seeking to have Kennedy … Read more