The World – Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed

James and James with New World Next Week. Worth a watch. The article below is linked to the first story discussed in the above video: World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed It was no coincidence that 1992 was chosen as the year to start the Global Leaders of Tomorrow program. This was the same … Read more

The World – The Central Bank CBCD Game Plan In Under 3 Minutes

How Technocommunism Will Institute The CBDC: The Central Bank Game Plan In Under 3 Minutes The entire global financial system is now essentially a technocommunist black ops money laundering crime scene. Central banks, their wall street coconspirators and the major corporations are all colluding in ushering in their hyper-centralized CBDC dystopia. This central bank “currency” … Read more

The World – The Great Reset And Neo-Feudalism

KIM DOTCOM BREAKS DOWN THE TRUE SCALE OF US GOVERNMENT DEBT New Zealand tech CEO, Kim Dotcom did the math on the United States’ sovereign debt and he tweeted a thread about it, saying it may the most important thread that he may ever make. Kim explains that US spending and debt have spiraled out of control … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Ooooo….someone left a gift.  I love surprise gifts. I wonder what it is?  Should I open it now or wait for my birthday? I know I take several photos of the giant. The clouds are a bit different sooo that changes the look. At least That is what I think. Plus, I love reflections.  Early … Read more

The World – Metaverse Real Estate Piles Up Record Sales

Metaverse Real Estate Piles Up Record Sales in Sandbox and Other Virtual Realms The latest hot real-estate market isn’t on the scenic coasts or in balmy Sunbelt cities. It’s in the metaverse, where gamers are flocking and digital property sales are setting new records. A growing number of investment firms are acquiring digital land in worlds such as … Read more