The World – Nigeria Limits ATM Withdrawals To $45 Per Day To Force Govt-Controlled Digital Payments

Nigeria Limits ATM Withdrawals To $45 Per Day To Force Govt-Controlled Digital Payments A staggering number of Nigerians love Bitcoin, but hate government cryptocurrency (CBDCs). In April, leading cryptocurrency exchange KuCoin noted that 35% of the adult population in Nigeria – roughly 34 million adults aged 18-60, own bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. But when it came to the country’s Central Bank Digital Currency … Read more

The World – The Central Bank CBCD Game Plan In Under 3 Minutes

How Technocommunism Will Institute The CBDC: The Central Bank Game Plan In Under 3 Minutes The entire global financial system is now essentially a technocommunist black ops money laundering crime scene. Central banks, their wall street coconspirators and the major corporations are all colluding in ushering in their hyper-centralized CBDC dystopia. This central bank “currency” … Read more

The World – A Terrifying Prediction For 2030

Have you ever noticed that whenever anyone talks about the World Economic Forum and that organizations rush to make George Orwell’s novel 1984 a reality always shows our much woke Prime Minister Justin Turd-o. Digital ID?  Canada has already signed on to that.  If PM Turd-o has his/her/? way, Canada will rival China or North … Read more

Canada – Nationwide Internet Outage

Millions Of Canadians Can’t Use Debit Cards Due To “Nationwide Internet Outage” Canada’s Rogers Communications Inc. reported widespread network outages on Friday morning, affecting financial institutions, government agencies, law enforcement, businesses, and wireless phone and home internet customers. “We are aware of issues currently affecting our networks and our teams are fully engaged to resolve the issue as soon as possible,” Toronto-based … Read more

Canada – The Death Of Financial Freedom

CBCDs…I covered them before.  Central Bank Digital Currencies.  Once these are brought in, we are screwed.  Every aspect of you financial life will be controlled by the government and in turn every other aspect of your life will be controlled by the government. Control access to your money, control how its spent, control when it … Read more