The World – Battery Technology Is EV’s Achilles’ Heel

 James is right. The battery technology is the EV’s Achilles’ heel.  Range, weight, charging time , purchase/repair costs and fire are all problems that must be overcome before EVs will be able to fully replace Internal Combustion Engine powered vehicles.  previous related posts here then there is this…  Fire is still a giant … Read more

The World – EV Problems With Cold Weather

 Yes, you have to “precondition the battery” which means heat the battery up to a certain temp before you can use a fast charger.   Not great if the battery is dead and its very cold.  Freezing cold weather is not the time you want car troubles.   Our Feral Government does not seem to … Read more

The World – Fiddling While Rome Burns

 Listen to the first 15 or 20 minutes and you will get a good understanding of the problem. I have mentioned this before.  Our electricity grid, on which our civilization totally dependent, is vulnerable to being wiped out by a Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun.  Something that can happen on any given day, … Read more

THe World – The Hidden Costs Of EV Ownership

 The cost of EV ownership is only going to go up.  High vehicle purchase cost, insurance costs  (both auto and home), repair costs, possible required  upgrades to your home electrical infrastructure,  the eventual rise of the cost of electricity and the fire hazard problem are never mentioned by the EV cultists. Buyer beware.  Me?  … Read more

Canada — Move To 100% EV sales by 2035

Canada lays out plan to phase out sales of gas-powered cars, trucks by 2035 The end of the road is coming for gas−powered vehicles in Canada. New regulations being published this week by Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault will effectively end the sale of new passenger vehicles powered only by gasoline or diesel in 2035. Guilbeault … Read more

The World – Do Not Buy An EV Without Watching This Reality Check

 Australia and Canada have a lot in common.  One thing is large stretches of wilderness that almost all highways in both countries pass through.  Hundreds of kilometers between cities.  Limited cell service.  A lot of nothing. You are lucky to find a gas station let alone a EV charging facility.  And is the EV … Read more

Canada – Can Canada Mine Enough Minerals To Feed The EV Revolution?

Can Canada mine enough minerals to feed the EV revolution? Canada has much catching up to do on the mining front to meet the federal government’s electric vehicle (EV) targets. There needs to be “massive and rapid expansion” of mining and metal refining in short order to meet Ottawa’s mandated demand that all new passenger … Read more