Thunder Bay – Sunday

Close but no cigar. It would seem that there are people in this city that are not familiar with the operation of a trash can. How it works.  Who knew? I see Janzen’s Pharmacy has a new window made of Thunder Bay glass. In pigeon jail? MV Federal Bering Mask photo. I wonder where you … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – 9/11 Plus 20

Do you remember where you were 20 years ago when the world changed?  I was in the Holiday Inn Toronto Airport on a course.  The day’s class just began when I noticed that the airport had gone suspiciously quiet.  The one thing about Pearson Airport is that there are planes landing and taking off all … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Mask photo Mask photo Bubble wrap Hooded Merganser? How can you resist the colour of this water? Not sure what this is. Female Mallard? Mallard/Wigeon hybrid? Merganser family LU students Mask photo Parked beside a bar.  Are the riders in there having a couple of frosty ones?

The World – The Proliferation Of COVID-19 Variants

What he said. The ‘vaccines’ are not going to end this pandemic. I am not sure just how much our government wants that to happen anyway.  I would think that if ending the pandemic was high on the list of our elected officials and their health ‘expert’ overlords, they would be trying everything. That is … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Sigh…. Starlite Flooring building removal so far See any recyclable material there?  Does not matter because it all will end up in the landfill. Mask photo The bigger they are…. the harder they fall Colourful… Trash in context Mask photo Park Avenue becoming one way street?    

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Mask photo Great Blue Heron I love the colour of this oil slick. No great for the frogs and turtles but if you are looking for colour, oil and water never disappoints. Going to be a tuff winter? Interesting clouds this morning Windows are being installed in the Finnish Labour Temple. More abandoned recycled materials. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

And so it starts.  How long will it last?  Who knows? Hopefully the card is trash.  Not the way I would dispose of a credit card. They will be departing for warmer climes soon. Done.  Time to start to turn it into a skating rink. Demolition has started. Fire alarm at the Prince Arthur Hotel … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

I see this guy every morning Starlite Flooring building site so far Discarded food item Trash in context Trash in context See any recyclables in there?  It doesn’t matter as it will all end up in the landfill. Mask photo Mask photo Racing continues today I love ice cream New Freshco store AKA Safeway so … Read more

The World – Natural COVID-19 Immunity Should Count

The COVID passport should include the people who have already been infected with SARS-2 and developed natural immunity.  For some reason, this large group of people are being ignored by our government and its medical ‘expert’ overlords. Offer an antibody test to those people. If they have them, then they should have access to the … Read more