Thunder Bay – Thursday

Rainy morning   Mask photo Trash in context Washboarding. Stage setup so far VIP section. Of course, every movement has to have VIPs.  I have no idea what VIPs have to do with ‘Wake The Giant’ but money is king. Looks like someone’s future isn’t bright enough to require shades. Where all of the searching … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Why we can’t have nice things.  Some of the local POS were on the scene. Mask photo Trash in context Better light today so I thought I would take another photo of this scarf.       Stage setup so far Water and wine….well its kind of like wine. Kelly’s is on the scene.   … Read more

The World – Vaccines And COVID With The Inventor Of mRNA Vaccine Technology

What he said.  It should be a person’s choice whether to get ‘vaccinated’ or not.  That choice should be made with as much information of the risks of getting that jab available in simple terms that everyone can understand. Vaccine mutations being fueled by mass inoculations using these imperfect, leaky vaccines?  Looks like it. The … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Rainy morning. Not the greatest for photography. Pile of trash is now gone.  Where did it go? Did some of it end up here? I think so. Free scarf Looks like one of the local knuckledraggers was here.  This is fun for some people. Ooooo, fancy Not sure what this is doing here. Most Marina … Read more

The World – UK Government Says Vaccine Passports Integral To COVID Winter Plan Day After Passports Were Supposedly Scrapped.

UK Government Says Vaccine Passports Integral To COVID Winter Plan Day After They Were Supposedly Scrapped The UK government has insisted that vaccine passports will remain an integral tool in fighting the spread of COVID just a day after health secretary Sajid Javid asserted that they had been completely scrapped. Well, that didn’t take long. … Read more

The World – Israeli Health Minister Admits Vaccine Passports Are About Coercion

Hot Mic Catches Israeli Health Minister Admitting Vaccine Passports Are About Coerciob Unaware that he was on a hot mic and being broadcast live on a TV station, Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz admitted that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine. “Imposing “green pass” rules on certain venues is … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday


This trash can is overflowing.  Every day, the pile gets bigger.  I will keep you updated.

Is this a form of guerilla advertising?  Leave your card laying on the ground for some stupid photographer to notice?

Free sunglasses

You know its getting cooler when the light posts have hoodies on.

Apparently the section of dock that is not there is out of service.  Good to know. Another example of how our education system is failing.

A beaver having a snack. A nice close encounter.


Discarded food item

Come on.  You ate all of the tray except for the last two?  Just could not cram those in?

Fossil. Is that a stem?

The World – Most People Don’t Need Boosters Says Panel Of Scientists

Panel Of Scientists Determines Most People Don’t Need Boosters; Moderna Plummets As a growing chorus of scientists and activists question the Biden Administration’s scramble to roll out booster jabs to Americans as quickly as possible, steamrolling the conventional approval process and leading to the resignation of two senior FDA officials, more research has just been released suggesting … Read more

The World – Big Pharma Is Big Business

You really think that the fact that ‘vaccines’ are the only weapons that are allowed to be used against the SARS-2 virus is just a coincidence? Of course not. Its all about money.  This entire pandemic has been about money. Ivermectin?  Not allowed?  What do you think?  Ivermectin is patent free.  Its cheap.  Does it … Read more

The World – England Drops ‘Vaccine’ Passport Plan

In Surprising Reversal, England Drops Vaccine Passport Plan Authored by Lily Zhou via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The plan to mandate CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus vaccine passports for nightclubs and crowded events in England will not go ahead, UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said on Sunday. It comes after British lawmakers across the political … Read more