The World – ‘Vaccine’ Passports And Mandates Do Nothing To Keep The ‘Vaccinated’ From Getting Infected By The SARS-2 Virus

If you think that ‘vaccine’ passports and ‘vaccine’ mandates will protect you from getting infected with the SARS-2 virus, you are mistaken.  Everyone in that restaurant, bar, gym or airplane can be infectious and spread the virus.  Everyone in your workplace can spread the virus.  Hospital workers and Long Term Care workers can spread the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Not much colour to start but things picked up Pumpkin Parade? Mask photo Oooooooooooooooooooooooo MV Wigeon Seriously? Yes…this is ice. Mask photo Hooded Merganser Mask photo Trash in context

The World – Why The term Homeless Is Misleading

Below is a transcript of an interview of Michael Shellenberger. He talks about the homelessness epidemic in the American major cities.  This epidemic is also of great interest to Canadians especially here in Thunder Bay.  What I found interesting in the discussion is something that I have noticed myself.  That many of the so-called ‘homeless’ … Read more

The World – We Will Not Comply – New World Next Week

New World Next Week Podcast – We Will Not Comply show notes here How the definition of ‘pandemic’, ‘vaccine’ and ‘gain of function’ have been changed recently. Did you know that the definition of vaccine has been changed several times since 2015?   I doubt it. Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder Cancer. Trust the science?   … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Trash in context American Coot The Lakehead Transportation Museum buses are covered for the winter Dandelions are hardy Trash in context Trash in context I am not the only one taking photographs today I think the life saving rings have been removed too early. Pretty sure that is open water there.  I think they should … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Sunrise turned out to be dramatic. and then the colour was gone. If the can is full, then this is makings of the best day ever for someone. Not sure what is going on here. Potential bonfire?  A lakefront home? Still some colour around Repair blends right in. Hardly notice that some work was done … Read more