Thunder Bay – Sunday

Might still work. The little library next to the Finnish Labour Temple is gone. Looks like it did not leave willingly. Not sure what piece of clothing is. What is under this sidewalk?  Nothing.  A big hole. Not snowing yet Now its snowing Still too early. Trash in context BMO at the corner of Court … Read more

The World -The Real Anthony Fauci

Every so often I put up a Robert Kennedy Jr video to piss off his haters.  The man knows his stuff. Worth a watch. Fauci, the FDA, the NIH and the CDC are no longer regulatory organizations. They are ‘vaccine ‘ promotion engines. Forty-five percentage of the FDA’s budge comes from pharmaceutical companies, the National … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

  Do you see any work going on?  Sign should have been removed once the workers left.  This kind of sign mismanagement is rampant in this city.  Drivers will ignore these signs because of this.     Moved behind the fence now. Ice patterns Mask photo I wonder how many other city parks in Canada … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Something new at the Lakehead Transportation Museum Pool 6 site.  How long until someone is living in there? The superstructure from an old tug? Looks pretty comfy.  A squatter’s dream? Definitely needs some TLC. The things you see laying around in the north core. Mask photo Not an usual sight in Thunder Bay. Ice pattern … Read more

The World – Data Says COVID Infection Rates Higher In Vaxx’d Than Unvaxx’d

Official Public Health England Data Says COVID Infection Rates Higher In Vaxx’d Than Unvaxx’d The Spectator has published an article citing official data from Public Health England, which states that for the over 30’s, “the rates of Covid infection per 100,000 are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed.” Well, this is awkward. The article, … Read more

The World – Austria Moves One Step Closer To Full Tyranny.

Austria Re-Imposes Full Lockdown, Vow “Penalties” For Those Who Resist Austria will become the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full COVID-19 lockdown starting Monday, November 22, it said on Friday as neighboring Germany warned it may follow suit, sending shivers through financial markets worried about the economic fallout of yet another round … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Watching the sunrise. Ice pattern Need one of these? Come on….this is ridiculous.  Stop already. Grass that washed up during last week’s storm still covers rocks at Marina Park Mask photo Balloons?