Canada – Ottawa Admits Some Travellers Were Incorrectly Told To Quarantine Due To ArriveCAN App Glitch

Ottawa admits some travellers were incorrectly told to quarantine due to ArriveCAN app glitch Ottawa says that due to a glitch with the ArriveCAN entry app, some travellers who recently entered Canada were sent erroneous notifications instructing them to quarantine. The admission comes at a time when the federal government is facing mounting pressure from politicians and tourism groups to … Read more

The World – A Terrifying Prediction For 2030

Have you ever noticed that whenever anyone talks about the World Economic Forum and that organizations rush to make George Orwell’s novel 1984 a reality always shows our much woke Prime Minister Justin Turd-o. Digital ID?  Canada has already signed on to that.  If PM Turd-o has his/her/? way, Canada will rival China or North … Read more

The World – Biden Sold 1 Million Barrels Of Oil From Strategic Petroleum Reserve To Chinese Firm Hunter Invested In

Biden Sold 1 Million Barrels From Strategic Petroleum Reserve To Chinese Firm Hunter Invested In In today’s edition of ‘everything they accused the Trumps of being,’ the Washington Free Beacon reports that the Biden administration sold roughly 1 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a Chinese state-controlled gas giant which Hunter Biden had a stake in as … Read more

Canada – You Will NEVER Be Fully-Vaxxed

Canada’s Health Minister: “You Will Never Be Fully-Vaxxed” This is the new ‘right way’ to think about vaccinations… Despite increasingly compelling data and peer reviewed studies coming out detailing the harms and side-effects of vaccinations, Canada’s Liberal-Socialist coalition government is doubling down on vaccinations, and appear ready move the goalposts on what constitutes vaccine compliance. As reported via Blacklocks Reporter (@mindingottawa on Twitter), Canadians … Read more

Canada – The Death Of Financial Freedom

CBCDs…I covered them before.  Central Bank Digital Currencies.  Once these are brought in, we are screwed.  Every aspect of you financial life will be controlled by the government and in turn every other aspect of your life will be controlled by the government. Control access to your money, control how its spent, control when it … Read more

The World – Studies Show COVID-19 Vaccination Reactivates Highly Contageous Virus

COVID-19 Vaccination Reactivates Highly Contagious Virus: Studies Reports of people being diagnosed with shingles on the rise Doctors and scientists are seeing an increase in the reactivation of the chickenpox virus, known as varicella-zoster virus (VZV), following the COVID-19 injections. The chickenpox virus is one of the eight herpes viruses known to infect humans. After a person … Read more

The World – The Case Against Universal Basic Income

Free money. For everyone.  For everyone.  THAT is what the term “universal” mean.  Everyone gets the money. Government gives you a check every month. You don’t have to do anything. All of your basic necessities are covered. Food, shelter, clothing, water, heat,   Sounds great, right? Well, the person who controls the flow of money can … Read more

The World – New World Next Week

How health passports can be used to control you.  China is an example of the type of country Justin wants Canada to become. China bank protest stopped by health codes turning red, depositors say Just think, bank accounts frozen, inability to travel…..

Canada – Ryan Whitney Has Travel Experience From Hell….He Flew Through Pearson International Airport

Justin must be rubbing his hands with glee.  Canada is sooo FUBAR’d.   Why would anyone come here? Trudeau does not care. Freeland does not care.  I believe this is what they want. Inflation. Food shortage. Complete control over every aspect of your life.  Look at China. THAT is the goal. Do you think Justin will … Read more

The World – The Great Reset And Neo-Feudalism

KIM DOTCOM BREAKS DOWN THE TRUE SCALE OF US GOVERNMENT DEBT New Zealand tech CEO, Kim Dotcom did the math on the United States’ sovereign debt and he tweeted a thread about it, saying it may the most important thread that he may ever make. Kim explains that US spending and debt have spiraled out of control … Read more