Canada – Crumbling Regimes Always Resort To This

Tucker speaks the truth and does it extremely well.  Something that you will NEVER see on Canadian mainstream media. “Scratch a liberal and you will find a fascist” Mark Carney?  He is about as globalist as it comes. Bank of Canada, Bank of England, Goldman Sachs, Bank of International Settlements, Group of Thirty,  an international … Read more

Canada – MP Marcus Powlowski Makes Serious Accusations About Ottawa Protestors But Is Short On Actual Facts. Local Media Eats It Up Anyway

Liberal MP Marcus Powlowski says Ottawa protesters ‘don’t inspire dialogue’ MP Marcus Powlowski returned to Parliament Hill on Monday for the first time since protesters from across the country jammed the centre of the capital with trucks to vent their anger over COVID-19 vaccine mandates. “It  feels a bit like a war zone,” the Liberal member … Read more

Canada – Is Justin Trudeau A Coward For Hiding During Freedom Convoy Protest?

Is Justin a coward?  The answer is yes. I always hear from people that there are consequences of your actions that you have to face.  There are responsibilities. If you want to screw with people’s lives, screw with their livelihoods,  I feel you owe them an explanation.  I also feel that, being an elected official … Read more

Canada – GoFundMe Will Refund Donations To Canadian Trucker Protest

GoFundMe will refund donations to Canadian trucker protest Fundraising website GoFundMe has removed a fundraiser for Canada’s “Freedom Convoy” protest against the country’s COVID-19 policies and said in a statement released Friday that it will withhold any donations made to support the protesting truckers and their allies. GoFundMe originally said it would allow individual users … Read more

Canada – Jimmy Dore On Mandate Protest In Ottawa

‘Vaccine’ mandates and passports need to go…now. Yes, that is what our Prime Minister said about the truckers.  See Twitter here This is an insane statement made by a Prime Minister of a G7 country about a group of truckers and their supporters protesting government policy.  Not one word is true,  All lies.  Seriously.  Trudeau … Read more

The World – Pfizer Building In Paris Surrounded By A Crowd

Pfizer building was surrounded in Paris by a crowd, shouting at Macron and Pfizer executives, calling them “Assassins!” French people protesting the ‘vaccine’ in Paris.  You know, the people Trudeau calls a fringe minority, criminal, violent, right-wing, white supremist, extremist, terrorist, misogynist, Nazi-Trumpist cult. People have been protesting the ‘vaccine’ mandates and passports around the … Read more

Canada – Trudeau: Ottawa Residents Need Their “Lives Back”, Won’t Commit To Negotiate With Truckers

If it were Black Lives Matter or LGBTt2TQQIAA+ or Indigenous People then Trudeau would be out there on his knees apologizing for whatever they want him to apologize for.  But not this protest.  Why not?  Because they are not respecting his authority. They are not respecting his belief that he has the right to control … Read more

Canada – Media, Big Tech Smear Canadian Freedom Truck Convoy

You know your government and media are acting like giant assholes when Americans point that fact out.  Anyone still getting any information on anything from the mainstream media is an idiot.  Seriously. Do we have a right to protest in Canada?  Yes. Do we have a right to protest against government mandates in Canada?  Yes.  … Read more