Ontario – Ontario Court Freezes Access To Donations For Truckers’ Protest From GiveSendGo

Ontario court freezes access to donations for truckers’ protest from GiveSendGo The Ontario government says it has successfully petitioned a court to freeze access to millions of dollars donated through online fundraising platform GiveSendGo to the convoy protesting COVID-19 restrictions in Ottawa and at several border crossings. The province obtained an order from the Superior … Read more

Ontario – ‘Circuit Breaker’ Measures Needed To Prevent Omicon From Overwhelming ICU’s Science Table Says

‘Circuit breaker’ measures needed to prevent Omicron from overwhelming ICUs, science table says Ontario’s COVID-19 science table on Thursday called for immediate and stringent public health measures to combat a growing surge of the Omicron variant that could see ICU admissions reach “unsustainable levels” early next year. The group’s latest modelling suggests that without “circuit breaker” … Read more

Ontario – Science Advisory Table Can Never Be Wrong

Ontario could see COVID-19 infection rates spike sharply in the New Year, regardless of the still-unknown impact of the new Omicron variant. But the province’s Science Advisory Table says increasing the speed of vaccinations for children between five and eleven in the coming weeks would help keep infection rates down, as would the reimposition of some … Read more

Ontario – Ministry Of Health To Phone Un’vaccinated’ Ontarians.

Ministry of Health to phone unvaccinated Ontarians Northwest Health Units confirms calls are legitimate, will offer the vaccine hesitant a chance for consultation with health experts. The unvaccinated can expect a phone call from the Ministry of Health. According to a release issued on Thursday by the Northwest Health Unit, the ministry plans to contact … Read more