Canada – Afternoon Live Stream From Ottawa Protest
All were live at posting time.
All were live at posting time.
24 hour 360 degree Ottawa protest camera here
Interesting and very timely. Get rid of all mandates…including schools. No scientific evidence that mandatory wearing of masks make has made any difference when it comes stopping the spread of a virus.
“A Recurring Fountain Of Revenue”: FDA Exec Admits Biden Planning Annual Shots, Including Toddlers Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Executive Officer Christopher Cole was caught on undercover camera by Project Veritas, where he revealed that his agency plans to announce that annual Covid-19 vaccinations will become official policy. As Project Veritas reports (emphasis ours): Cole is an Executive Officer heading up the agency’s … Read more
Live (at time of posting) around Ottawa protest area. FYI
Trudeau’s political career is over. He is the laughing stock of the world. Freeland, Justin’s assumed successor’s future is also in doubt. People need to remember that the Liberals did not even get one third of the popular vote, 32.62%, in the last election. The Conservatives received the most with 33.71%. I don’t think Justin … Read more
Two lawyers, one Canadian and one American, discussing things happening in Canada and the US right now. Needless to say, Canada and the Emergencies Act are first up. I believe I am seeing the end of Justin Trudeau’s political career. Doug Ford is certainly worried about his…and so he should be.
FYI In this video, Benjamin Dichter, who is integrally involved in the Truckers Freedom Convey, reads a statement of the movement’s demands, who they are, and addresses what they are not asking for that has been presented by the legacy media. Full interview with Mikhaila and BJ available below: In this episode, Mikhaila hosts B.J. … Read more
Live this afternoon showing you what is going on in Ottawa today. FYI Notice all of the terrorist, white supremist, alt-right, racist, Nazis busy overthrowing the government.