Canada – Liberal MP Ya’ara Saks Stated that “Honk Honk” Is A Euphemism For “Heil Hitler”. Really! She Said This! On Television!

Canadian Liberal MP Ya’ara Saks stated Monday that the onomatopoeia “honk honk” was a coded message meaning “heil Hitler.” Seriously?  People voted for her? York Centre MP?  Those people voted for her?  Are they complete idiots? Remember when the Liberal Party actually was “liberal”? Now they are the party of divisiveness.  The party of hate. … Read more

Canada – Trudeau Revokes Emergencies Powers Act Two Days After Parliament Voted To Extend Powers

Trudeau Revokes Emergency Powers Act Watch live: And here, he says he’s ‘confident that existing laws and bylaws are now sufficient to keep people safe.’ BREAKING: Prime Minister Trudeau revokes Emergencies Act after 10 days, saying he is ‘confident that existing laws and bylaws are now sufficient to keep people safe.’#cdnpoli #ottnews— Stephanie Ha … Read more

The World – Glen Greenwald – Banishment From The Financial System, The War On Dissent

Yup…starve alone in the dark is the punishment Canada now dishes out to anyone who protests against government policies, anyone who helps people who protest against government policies and members of families of either of the two groups. Also businesses who have anything to do with people who protest against government policies. Canadians are now … Read more

Canada – Canada Moves To Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent

Canada Moves To Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent Canada has moved to make the asset freezing part of its Emergencies Act, which was used to target supporters of the Freedom Convoy protests, a permanent fixture. Wow, who saw that one coming? In order to stop what the Trudeau regime referred to as “illegal … Read more

Canada – Riot Police Face Off With Yellow Vests In Paris

Compare this with the protest in Ottawa.  Trudeau would not last a day in charge of France or any other country for that matter. Imagine the French if Macron tried to freeze their bank accounts because they were protesting against his government’s policies? Trudeau is a cowardly lightweight when t comes to world leadership.  I … Read more