The World – CNN Lies About Omicron

Dying FROM Omicron versus dying WITH Omicron.  Two very different scenarios. Fear mongering at its best. Then there is this: Fauci Goes There: Finally Admits Kids Not Being Hospitalized From COVID For the past 18 months we’ve reported how a large percentage of those ‘hospitalized with Covid’ were actually admitted for other ailments, only to test positive after admission during … Read more

The World – COVID Case Numbers Do Not Matter.

COVID cases to not matter.  Its all about hospitalizations and deaths.  People who are in hospital BECAUSE of COVID not WITH COVID.  People who died BECAUSE of COVID, not WITH COVID. Why does the mainstream media keep focusing on the number of positive tests when that number is a tiny fraction of the actual infected … Read more

The World – Remember When People Had to Isolate For Two Weeks When Receiving A Positive PCR Test? Bet They Feel Stupid Now.

In Bombshell Admission, CDC Drops Post-Isolation PCR Test Because They Can ‘Remain Positive Up To 12 Weeks’ Just when you thought things couldn’t get more absurd, the Biden administration is now dropping PCR tests from its Covid end-of-isolation guidelines because they can stay positive for up to 12 weeks. “So we would have people in isolation for … Read more

Canada – Several Provinces Considering Allowing COVID Positive Health Workers To Stay On Job

Several provinces considering allowing COVID positive health workers to stay on job Even as some provinces have reported record-high daily COVID-19 case counts, health experts are warning the real infection rate is likely much higher, pointing out that data has been clouded by holiday delays and with hospitals and testing centres reaching their limits. After … Read more

The World – “No Country Can Boost Its Way Out”

“No Country Can Boost Its Way Out” – WHO Warns Biden Plan Could “Prolong” Pandemic As President Biden once again pushes booster doses on the population with his latest winter plan, the WHO is once again pushing back against this zealousness for vaccines and booster shots by declaring that booster shots shouldn’t be prioritized by … Read more

The World – Australian Protocol

Australia gets it. When will Doug Ford? Amazing how Australia went from being one of the most tyrannical  COVID regimes in the world  to being one of the most reasonable in a matter of weeks. Treating adults like adults.  What a novel idea. Will the Australian states get on board? I wonder if that thinking … Read more

Thunder Bay – COVID Case Numbers Are Useless. They Mean Nothing Without Context.

Nine new COVID cases, 10 resolved in Thunder Bay district Nine new COVID-19 cases, including eight in Thunder Bay or the immediate surrounding area, were reported Wednesday by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit. At the same time, TBDHU reported 10 previously-diagnosed cases had been resolved since Tuesday. This brought the active case count to … Read more

The World – Modeler Admits They Don’t Model Good Outcomes For Lockdown

“F**king Scandalous” – SAGE Modeller Admits They Don’t Model Good Outcomes For Lockdown Policymakers The latest Sage papers have been published, envisaging anything from 200 to 6,000 deaths a day from Omicron depending on how many more restrictions we’ll get — up to and very much including another lockdown. Earlier today I had an unexpected chance … Read more