The World – The Recycling Lie

 Not hearing Trudeau and/or his attack dog Guilbeault talk about this topic.  Why not?  You see, the recycling “lie” that we are being made to believe will absolve us of all our environmental sins is just that, a lie.  Instead of reducing the amount of plastic that we consume each and everyday, the amount … Read more

The World – The Great Recycling Lie

 Is she telling us the truth?  Are us taxpayers propping up the plastic industry by funding the recycling industry? Of course. Are we stupid or what? The three ‘R’s  : REDUCE, REUSE, recycle.  Recycle is the third and last option.

The World – Carbon Footprint Is A Lie

 We are all suckers.  As with the plastic recycling scheme, the public is the one that ends up paying to clean-up the environment all the while the actual polluters make a fortune. Time to start building guillotines.  There are some heads that need to be liberated from their bodies. Carbon credits.  Who would have … Read more

Thunder Bay – The Whole Tug Or Nothing. Anything Else Is Just Stupid.

James Whalen to be recycled and displayed in the future In a seven to five vote, Thunder Bay council has decided to recycle the James Whalen Tugboat and save the entire deck at the request of the Transportation Museum of Thunder Bay. Wally Peterson, Chairman of the Transportation Museum of Thunder Bay, told Newswatch they … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Nice reflections this morning. The sun clears the low clouds Trying to show some detail in that sun Went into Generative fill in Photoshop  and added some along the bottom. I know its cheating but I believe it improves the photo.  Photography has changed a lot in the past 40 years.  I doubt if there … Read more

The World – NetZero And Human Rights Are Mutually Exclusive

NetZero And Human Rights Are Mutually Exclusive (Featuring: The Three Big Lies of “Climate Action”) Everybody talks a good game when asked about environmental concerns. But they underestimate what real “climate action” will cost them, personally, and they’re prone to balking when they figure it out. In 2018, The Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago conducted a survey of … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – Eclipse Day

Was not expecting much this morning as the sky had a lot of clouds. Long exposures produced this   You can see where the sun would appear if the clouds allowed it…but they don’t Interesting clouds The morning sky. Click on image to enlarge A touch of colour in the clouds Click on image to … Read more

The World – Plastic: Burn It Or Eat It?

 Yes, the recycling program paid by us taxpayers, is a scam.   What happens to all of that plastic etc that is supposed to be recycled?  Do you know? What I do know is the only way to deal with all of this is to reduce the stream of plastic.  That or burn it. ‘Matter … Read more

The World – Humans May Be Fueling Global Warming By Breathing: New Study

The Climate Death Cult’s Mask is Slipping THE CORBETT REPORT MAR 10, 2024 by James Corbett March 10, 2024 Have you heard the latest nonsense from the climate cultists? No, I’m not talking about recycling human hair to change the weather. And I’m not talking about the hot new fad of defacing works of art (and the US constitution) … Read more